Why does secret stranger fucking give such a kick?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Why does secret stranger fucking give such a kick?
Why does secret stranger fucking give such a kick?


Secret stranger fucking: Why do men and women do it?

To this day, infidelity is a topic that is not readily debated in public. For example, many believe that secret stranger fucking is mainly done by men, while women are faithful. In reality, exactly the opposite is the case. Today, 31 percent of women but only 29 percent of men say they have been unfaithful in a relationship.

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What does infidelity even mean?

Why does secret stranger fucking give such a kick?There are huge differences in the definition of the term between men and women. In general, women understand the concept of cheating much more broadly than men. Women are often more jealous than men. In every beautiful woman who belongs to the social environment of her husband or boyfriend, they smell a potential rival who could steal their “prey” away from them.

For many women, therefore, even a harmless flirtation counts as infidelity. They become furious with jealousy when their partner dares to look after a strange woman in a miniskirt or wet look leggings and already he is considered a stranger. Even watching porn is considered secret stranger fucking. Kissing another woman is considered adultery in progress.

Men, on the other hand, take a much more relaxed view of the matter. Most of them only talk about an infidelity when it becomes directly physical and it comes to sex. If your wife or girlfriend gives another man a kiss or flirts, most men will tolerate it. The tolerance, at least in themselves, can even go so far that some men do not perceive going to a whore as cheating.

Why do women cheat?

Why does secret stranger fucking give such a kick?In the opinion of many men, women cheat because they are nymphomaniacs. They are so horny that they can never get enough sex. But that is just a myth. There are women who need a lot of sex, but they are rare.

In most cases, clandestine stranger fucking takes place in women when they are unhappy or/and feel emotionally neglected. If a woman becomes a stranger, her partner is often to blame. If the relationship has lasted for a while, both partners take their love for granted. The husband stops taking care of his wife. He doesn’t compliment her or bring her gifts anymore.

Instead, his career is the focus of his life. He is constantly working overtime or jetting around the world on business trips. Others prefer to spend time with their friends or in the club.

This makes the woman feel neglected and unloved. Her husband no longer cares for her, no longer kisses or caresses her. Emotionally, this puts them on a zero diet. She tries to make up for this lack by cheating.

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She gets a lover who gives her the tenderness she no longer gets from her husband. Often the lover is younger than the husband. This flatters their ego and makes secret stranger fucking even more interesting.

Why do men cheat?

Men cheat for different reasons than women. They are less about feelings and more about sex. Men often cheat spontaneously when a suitable opportunity arises. It is not uncommon for alcohol to play a role. For example, many a boss has laid his attractive secretary for the first time at the company party. The man’s largest sex organ is his brain. It reacts strongly to a woman who looks sexually very attractive. The pleasure center is activated and displaces all rational thoughts.

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This is deliberately exploited by some women to achieve their goals. They let men use them as objects of lust if it means they get promoted, receive a lot of money and precious gifts, or have other advantages. The men are often older and have incipient baldness and beer bellies. They are flattered when a young attractive woman is interested in them.

Quite a few men also love secret stranger fucking because it allows them to satisfy their sexual needs. At home there is only boring flower sex, if at all. For a long time there are neither blowjobs nor shows the wife in sexy lingerie. Instead, she wears curlers and walks around the house wearing a worn-out jogging suit.

But men are only human. They have sexual needs that they cannot suppress forever. The way out is called cheating. Almost always, the fling is much younger and more attractive than the wife. Middle-aged men in particular feel flattered when a significantly younger partner supposedly falls in love with them. They can completely lose their temper and become slaves to their beloved. In extreme cases, this can lead not only to the breakup of the relationship, but even to personal insolvency.

What can you do against secret stranger fucking?

Ranting and threats do not help. If there is a suspicion of infidelity, the partners should talk about it calmly (and above all objectively) with each other. In many cases, a partner cheats because he or she no longer feels comfortable in the relationship. If you do nothing, a fling turns into an affair and the relationship is in serious danger. But if the partner can forgive and respond to the needs of the other, the problem of cheating can be overcome and the marriage will last.

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