Rip-off in the brothel: the lousy scams of the whores

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Rip-off in the brothel: the lousy scams of the whores
Rip-off in the brothel: the lousy scams of the whores


How to spot the tricks of the hookers

Rip-off in a brothel is a subject no man likes to talk about. Still, it can happen. Fraud in the red-light scene is rather the exception, but still happens from time to time. Especially if a john is inexperienced or drunk, he quickly falls victim to the tricks of the hookers.

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This rip off in the brothel is the most common

The tricks of the red light scene can be divided into two groups:

  • The punters get too little for their money
  • The punters have to pay more than originally agreed

Cheating in brothel – too little sex for the money

Rip-off in the brothel: the lousy scams of the whoresCheating on punters is relatively common. The trick is to dispatch the suitor as quickly as possible. Usually a certain amount of time is agreed upon as to how long the date should last. In the milieu, 30 minutes or an hour is common. The rip-off in the brothel is pulled off by the hooker trying to get rid of her john earlier than agreed. She asks him to leave, even though the agreed time is not yet up.

Other whores are even more refined. They use all their professional arts to make the customer cum as fast as possible. They know from experience that most johns get dressed and leave when they get the pressure off their balls. This rip-off in the milieu is widespread and usually successful. Hardly any guests will get upset because of a few minutes. But for the hookers, the rip-off at the brothel is worth it. Per month, a hardworking sex service provider can earn a few hundred euros more.

Pay more than originally agreed

Such a scam on punters can come from the ladies of the house as well as from the operator of the establishment. The rip-off in the brothel takes place, for example, in the form of inflated prices for drinks. This is one of the most popular tricks of the red light scene. The girls are instructed by the brothel owner to encourage the guests to order champagne, wine or drinks. There is no price list or it is printed small. When the guest wants to leave the house, he is presented with a huge bill. Sometimes a bottle of sparkling wine costs well over 100 euros.

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Another kind of rip-off in the brothel comes from the girls. The customer pays for sex without first asking exactly what is included in the offer. For example, some hookers charge extra money for kissing or giving a slap on the butt or for oral sex without a condom. This rip-off in the brothel is also often successful, because the men like to pay in the intoxication of lust.

What can be done against rip-offs in brothels?

Rules and behavior in the brothel with prostitutes and escortsPrevention is better than cure. This is true not only for diseases, but also for the tricks of the red light scene. Basically, men should never go to a brothel or Laufhaus drunk or even under drugs. Through befuddled senses they deprive themselves of a pleasurable experience. They are also much more likely to fall victim to a brothel rip-off.

The Internet offers many means of protection. If you have never been to a particular club or brothel, you can find out beforehand. On the official website of the company are for example the admission prices, which girls are currently present and what is offered. Very good are also forums where johns exchange information about the tricks of the hookers. There is even a warning about some AZF (Abzockfotzen: hookers who cheat). A good protection against rip-offs in the brothel is also not to take your EC and credit cards at all and to take only a certain amount of cash with you.

What to do if you fall victim to a brothel scam?

The worst thing that can happen in a milieu rip-off is an enormous bill presented to a john upon leaving the brothel or club. Not infrequently, a cabinet of a bouncer then builds up in front of the intimidated man to lend emphasis to the demand for payment. In such cases, it is best to call the police.

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It really is the citizen’s friend and helper when it comes to fraud in the red-light scene. The officer will take the particulars of all parties involved and escort the john safely out. The operator of the brothel or the hooker can enforce their claims in court. As a rule, however, nothing will come of it, because those concerned know exactly that their rip-off in the Laufhaus is, if not illegal, at least immoral. Cheating on johns very rarely ends up in court.

What is not a rip-off in a brothel?

If the adventure with a hot hooker does not go as the suitor imagines, this is not always equal to rip-off in the whorehouse. If, for example, his best piece fails the service, the girl can not help it. The same is true when the sight of the whore in her sexy lingerie makes him so horny that he jerks off way too soon.

Some punters also demand things from the girls that they simply don’t want to do. Among the most common demands is sex without a rubber. To refuse such a demand is not one of the tricks of the red-light scene to get more money out of the customers, but is even a legal requirement. If clients refuse to pay for sexual services rendered for flimsy reasons, the whore can sue for her fee.


The milieu is better than its reputation. Rip-offs in brothels do happen, but are relatively rare. Most hookers work honestly because they live off their reputation. They know full well that they will be rated by the punters on the internet. It is best to avoid rip-offs in the whorehouse in the first place. If it does happen, call the police rather than argue about it for a long time. In most cases, that settles the matter.

Hookers reach deep into your pants. They only want one thing – money

As old as the “oldest trade in the world”, so old are the scams and rip-offs in brothels. When a prostitute makes her pussy meow, she rarely does it out of horniness, but out of hardcore financial interest. In doing so, she does not shy away from tricks that go below the belt.

Instead of blowing – bubbles chat

“Time play” is one of the most popular scams in brothel rip-offs. It is not a matter of letting the suitor get to you for as long as possible so that he forgets about the time and one little affair quickly turns into two. In that case, he would have to pay twice the amount of the original agreement.

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There is another way. The hooker tries by all means to ensure that it does not even come to sex in the agreed time. As a rule, 30 minutes or an hour of erotic playtime is agreed – against prepayment, of course.
Now the experienced professional whore digs out all her tricks from the bag of tricks. Coquettishly she tries to engage the unsuspecting whoremonger in a nice conversation, miming the empathetic buddy. She knows exactly whether single or married men, all feel deficits in this direction. Many no longer feel understood by their wives, not to mention unfulfilled sexual longings. Single men in particular suffer from loneliness. The clever whore takes advantage of this.

She lulls the suitor with compliments, gives him verbal confirmation. She inquires about his wife, optionally about his single life, and pities him. At the same time, she definitely cuddles up, lets herself be groped here and there. However, time flies in their company. Before you know it, the half hour is up and the bag is still full.

Some men are actually satisfied with the unexpected “talk therapy hour” and trudge off without having achieved anything. Advantage for the whore, because she stayed clean and could still cash in. Others, however, willingly pay on top so that the game can go into overtime. This is how subtly a rip-off in a brothel can work.

Rough fouls in injury time

Another ingenious method for a rip-off in a brothel are so-called “rough fouls”. When chitchat no longer pulls, harder bandages are used to cheat their way around sex. A tightrope walk, where the hooker on the one hand pretends horniness, on the other hand wants to prevent at all costs that the foreign cock penetrates her.

“Oops, the clasp on my bra is stuck.”
“Go on, you’ll get it open – don’t be so clumsy!”
“Wait, let me tie a braid for a minute so my hair doesn’t fly around like that.”
“Stop a minute, not so fast – I don’t think the condom is on right.”
“Hey, why don’t you take off your watch, wedding ring, necklace (etc.) – it’s bothering me.”

With such deft maneuvers and crude verbal fouls, she laughingly takes the wind out of the suitor’s sails. On purpose, it makes the customer feel like they are being laughed at. In most cases, this inferior strategy of ripping off in a brothel leads to the desired success. The blood withdraws from the penis back into the head of the suitor. He blushes with shame and finally thinks he is a wimp. That’s why he won’t complain to the madam or the bouncers. After all, it is in his interest that this embarrassment remains discreet.

The prostitute, however, benefits twice. Again, it was easy money without having to spread your legs for it. A certain sense of superiority makes them triumph. It is also certain that the suitor will not let this bankruptcy sit on his hands. He will explicitly come to her over and over again until she finally allows him a sense of achievement and makes him cum.

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