Kinky infusion: period tea from menstrual blood

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Perverse infusion: Period tea from menstrual blood
Kinky infusion: period tea from menstrual blood


Period tea with all natural ingredients

The latest banger from Offenbach – pharmacies gear up

For a long time it was quiet around entrepreneur and multimillionaire Enzo “Potenzo” from Offenbach. Truly no wonder, considering that the windy (sorry: resourceful) German-Italian was simply tinkering (keyword: period tea). The result is an invention from the more perverse corner.

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Having been so enthralled by the fetish of menophilia that suddenly emerged[Eronite reported] and caused uproar and disgust among the masses, he promptly invented his own product: period tea made from real menstrual blood to combat the iron deficiency often prevalent in women during menstruation.

Period tea from real menstrual bloodWill period tea soon be available on prescription?

Not only men can take the healing infusion, Enzo also warmly recommends the hot drink to women. Especially during their days, they can easily compensate for the loss of iron.

When you hear about a menstrual cup, you certainly don’t think of period tea. After all, these are two completely different things. The hot drink should soon be available for infusion. Not from the bag, but from a small red capsule that you simply open and pour into the cup. Then microwave for two minutes and the period tea is ready.

Supermarkets and wholesalers have already waved off the idea, fearing negative press should they distribute the period tea in their stores. Sales and purchasing groups have also shown skepticism so far. Only the Association of Pharmacies is open to the novel product and can imagine including the period tea in the product range. With any luck, the tea will even be available on prescription soon.

With iron deficiency off to the doctor

“Ask your doctor or pharmacist” – or wait until the period tea made from real menstrual blood is on the market. As soon as Enzo “Potenzo” will have patented his inventions of the intelligent condom or the dildo series for left-handed women worldwide, connoisseurs can look forward to the very special teatime.

In the case of iron deficiency, the first step is to see your family doctor. The period tea, according to the Offenbach inventor’s plan, can simply be prescribed by the doctor, who can then easily fill the prescription at a pharmacy he or she trusts.

Some people need to be told: two or three posts on this site are brimming with a nasty linguistic idiosyncrasy – irony. And yes, we admit it unapologetically: this includes the article about period tea.

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