Youth protection wants to turn off the money tap for erotic sites

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Stronger regulation on the Internet: Youth protection relies on financial blocks for erotic websites

In a remarkable development, Germany has introduced a revolutionary approach to the regulation of adult websites. This step is part of a larger initiative to strengthen the protection of minors in the digital age. The Broadcasting Commission of the federal states has submitted a proposal aimed at effectively turning off the money tap for adult sites that do not offer adequate age verification systems.

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New guidelines to strengthen the protection of minors: The draft reform of the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV), published by the Broadcasting Commission, aims to improve the existing systems for the protection of minors and to network them more effectively. This is intended to strengthen the technical protection of minors and enable better law enforcement. The proposal underlines the importance of cooperation between media regulators and financial institutions to effectively turn off the money tap for adult sites that do not comply with youth protection guidelines.

The fight against adult content

A key component of the proposal is the authorization of the state media authorities to prohibit financial service providers from offering payment services for adult sites that do not offer sufficient age verification systems. This measure is intended to take into account the experience of the state media authorities in enforcing measures against large porn platforms. The proposal mirrors similar regulations in German media law that already exist for online gambling.

Youth protection wants to turn off the money tap for erotic sites
Youth protection wants to turn off the money tap for erotic sites

In addition, the proposal includes the creation of a central register in which websites that violate the age verification regulations are listed. This would make it easier for financial service providers to identify such sites and refuse them services. The idea behind this is to establish a more structured and efficient method of combating underage access to adult content. The state media authorities could thus cooperate more effectively with other authorities and financial institutions to ensure comprehensive monitoring and enforcement of the regulations.

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Strengthening public education and awareness of the risks and consequences of the consumption of adult content by minors is a thorn in the side of the German youth protection authorities. Campaigns are planned aimed at parents, educators and young people to inform them about safe and responsible use of the Internet. These measures are intended to supplement the legal regulations and raise awareness of the importance of youth protection and data protection in the digital age. Overall, the proposal aims to find a balanced approach between the regulation of content and the promotion of responsible media use.

Simplification of network blocks

Another important aspect of this idea is the simplification of the procedure for ordering network blocks. Previously, the media supervisory authorities had to go through time-consuming administrative procedures to obtain such blocks.

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The new regulation would make it easier to quickly identify and block mirror websites that replicate blocked content without getting bogged down in bureaucratic processes.

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