Xisca Bond is now an adult influencer

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Xisca Bond is now an adult influencer
Xisca Bond is now an adult influencer

Adult Influencer: Xisca Bond on Instagram

The whole country gradually gets to know the dream boobs of the young Goerlitz. How skillfully the much admired tits girl increasingly attracts attention, can only be called professional. What started in spring as German_Dream_18 has led to already more than half a million followers for Xisca Bond on Instagram in midsummer.

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Xisca Bond is now an adult influencer
Photo: Xisca Bond private

Admiration for Xisca’s plump natural tits continues to spread. Now she has already made it to adult influencer. Yet to this day no one knows her face. But the stunning curves of the sexy Saxon have already seen countless people. You could read how self-confident and revealing Xisca’s first appearances in the erotic and porn scene turned out. Her fans are well aware that she aspires to nothing less than the status of German dream of all men.

How candidly Xisca markets her body

A young girl in the far east of Germany forges a plan: she wants to make it big and become famous. Thanks to her fantastic figure and big natural breasts, she firmly believes in herself and her success. In addition, she has a pronounced sexual curiosity, with which she considers herself predestined for the porn industry. After all, the response to her first published photos on the web proves her right. Many users are blown away and want to see more and more.

Direct to Xisca Bond

So at first she keeps her incognito and makes sure that the sight of her fantastic boobs is imprinted in the memory of her admirers. Meanwhile, she is an adult influencer who skillfully keeps people interested in her. The fact that her name is Xisca Bond gives rise to all sorts of conjecture. Bond and bondage sound pretty similar – is there a connection?

Xisca from Görlitz still has a lot to do

The online erotic magazine Eronite strongly supports the newcomer in making herself known. There have already been a few articles published about Xisca (pronounced: Tschiska) and what desire it triggers (not only) in men. In addition, everyone can read about what plans the newly minted adult influencer. Her stated desire is to shoot porn. Applicants as film partners can register for casting.

Xisca Bond is now an adult influencer
Photo: Xisca Bond private

It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine that many men would love to fuck Xisca. Especially since she makes no secret of the fact that she is not at all shy in this respect. Still, she’ll probably be picky about who she has sex with on camera. But before that, her fans are waiting for another revelation!

When does Xisca Bond show head to toe?

Her XXL tits and her pretty round ass could already be admired on various photos, sometimes naked, sometimes in lingerie. Xisca Bond can also be seen on Instagram in provocative poses. But always without head – and without legs and feet. So there’s a lot more to marvel at when the Goerlitz girl finally comes completely out of hiding.

Direct to Xisca Bond

Eronite has already announced where Xisca will show her face to the world: namely on the platform of the erotic magazine. So we can be curious how pretty the 19-year-old looks. It was already known that she is a blonde. Let’s see if the PR stunt of keeping Xisca’s face secret from the public for so long pays off for the ambitious young woman in the end.

A new adult influencer is making a splash

After all, within a short time Xisca Bond has managed to attract half a million Instagram followers. With those sensual curves, it’s no wonder so many users jump on her photos. Nothing looks embellished or photoshopped, but the full splendor of her stunning melons comes across completely natural. In this, her shots differ greatly from those of certain female VIPs who pose in alternating bikinis. Xisca presents completely unabashedly what she has, and that is not exactly little.

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So she joins the ranks of stars and starlets as a pretty wacky adult influencer. If you visit Xisca Bond on Instagram, you will see some already familiar motifs. There she presents her mega boobs completely naked or in skin-tight tops, from which her curves are temptingly oozing out. Surely these pictures cause some guys to gasp.

What will happen next with Xisca Bond on Instagram?

In order to get even more followers and to continue to entertain the existing ones well, the young adult influencer will certainly come up with some more ideas.

Maybe she could start by getting some more seductive and stylish lingerie and tops that will show off her dream tits beautifully.

As soon as the excited audience is allowed to admire full-body photos of Xisca Bond, sharp poses are in demand. If you want to make a name for yourself as a hot porn actress, you have to offer a lot to your fans. In this respect, Xisca from Saxony certainly did the right thing in revealing herself only piece by piece, so to speak. As an adult influencer, it is necessary to satisfy the high expectations of users.

Direct to Xisca Bond

Xisca’s two trumps with the protruding nipples are now abundantly clear in front of our eyes and we can fantasize about them as we please. In addition, personality is in high demand, with which Xisca Bond can score points and keep her fans in line. We may continue to be curious. For sure we will see and hear a lot from this sexy girl.

Photos: Xisca Bond private(www.xisca.bond)

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