Which women have the biggest breasts?

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Which women have the biggest breasts?
Which women have the biggest breasts?

The biggest boobs in the world

There are plenty of them, literally: female breasts, covered by a sheath of fabric or undressed in all their fullness. Every woman has different breasts. But where are the biggest breasts to be found? Where do the women come from who steal men’s minds with their unmissable bust size? And to what extent are clichés about the biggest breasts confirmed?

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Which women have the biggest breasts?Why big boobs are so fascinating

Apparently, ever since humans have existed, the male species has taken a liking to female curves. It seems that the larger and more voluptuous the breasts, the more likely they are to attract attention. But the largest breasts usually only have such an irresistible effect on the male species if they are also firm and firm. That this is not always possible because gravity and the aging process get in the way is obvious.

However, from a scientific point of view, the widespread preference for large breasts has a biological basis: in the past, large, firm and firm breasts were associated with health and fertility. This was reported by “bigfm”, according to which in the Faculty of Science of Charles University in the Czech city of Prague 267 men were interviewed by researchers. The men came from different cultural backgrounds, each expressing different ideals about breasts.

Who has the biggest breasts – according to the cliché

If common stereotypes are anything to go by, Latinas and African-American women are said to have the biggest breasts. The reason for this is that women from these cultures usually have voluptuous curves. In addition, it is often assumed that Americans in particular have the largest breasts, but these are made.

Straight to the tits girl

This assumption stems from the fact that cosmetic surgery is commonplace in Los Angeles-based Hollywood alone. But clichés are and remain prejudices that need to be dispelled – especially when the reality surrounding the world’s largest breasts is quite different.

These countries have the biggest breasts

Amazingly, it is the Norwegian women who carry the biggest breasts in the world! The worn cup sizes in the European size measure are between D and E. This is closely followed by women from Luxembourg, Iceland, the United States and the United Kingdom, who wear a size D. The only two nationalities that fit the stereotype of Latinas having a large bust are Venezuela and Colombia. Women from these two countries, as well as from Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland and Denmark wear cup sizes C to D.

Cup size is not the same as breast size

The size designations for the bust vary depending on the country. This irregularity is due to different scales and size systems used in different countries. This quickly causes confusion and in the end leaves the question open again, from which countries the largest breasts are finally to be found. The various sizing systems all consist of numbers and letters, with many manufacturers modifying the specifications for their own products. For example, the US size 34 C corresponds to the EU size 75 D and the UK size 34 D. These differences are still borderline bearable, but in France an American 34 C would be equivalent to a 90 D and in Australia a 12 C.

What all these sizing systems have in common is that the sizes described sometimes differ only slightly from each other. The Czech designation 2 D is visually easier to differentiate – which suggests that this size system is a good choice as the new international bra size system. Sizes of this system also generally give more information about which size women should rather keep their hands off when buying.

Size is not everything

All over the world there are different ideals and ideas about what the perfect bosom should look like – or even how it should feel. The only fact is that mammary intercourse is easier with larger breasts.

Many men like their breasts big and plump, but it makes a difference whether they are made or not: the question is whether it is nicer to touch a pair of breasts that are small but soft – or whether you want to touch large operated breasts that are unnaturally hard and inflexible. In the end, though, it’s purely a matter of taste. The biggest breasts of value are worth nothing without a beautiful woman to wear them.

The hype about Frankenstein boobs and mega tits

Since time immemorial, the unmistakable attributes of femininity are revered. Numerous terms exist for them such as tits, boobs, balloons, rack, hooters, bust, just to name a few. But: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the biggest breasts in the land?”.

Straight to the tits girl

Tangible and vividly reflected in the history of art is the cult of women’s breasts. Archaeologists found during excavations corresponding artifacts from the Stone Age, the famous Venus figurines. These small female statuettes were depicted with particularly pronounced feminine features. They presumably served sexual-magical cult practices, of which we know nothing today.
In antiquity, too, the naked face of women was indulged with countless works of art made of marble. The painters Rubens and Rembrandt recorded their partly early pornographic works on canvas for posterity.

And when the pictures learned to walk, the leading actress in the silent film “From Show Girl to BurlesqueQueen” from 1903, bared her fat things for the first time. That was a scandal at the time. Nowadays, no one has a problem with erotic depictions. Sex sells. There is hardly a brand that does not focus on bust size in its advertising campaign. It seems to be an unwritten marketing law – the biggest breasts generate the biggest sales figures.

Real or silicone, that is the question here

In order to be able to present a lush décolleté, women voluntarily put themselves under the surgical knife in rows. In Germany alone, approximately 50,000 breast implants are inserted each year. Considering that the hype around breast augmentation began in the early 1970s, we’re talking about about 1,000 tons of silicone that have been “used” since then. It is not always about having the biggest breasts, but a little more is usually allowed.

Martina Big from Germany has a completely different opinion. She really wants to make it into the “Guinness Bookof Records” with her mega tits XXL. To do this, she switched from silicone to implants that can be inflated with saline. There seem to be no limits to the possibilities. Only the skin on the bust must gradually stretch and grow with it.

At the moment she carries 20 liters of filling weight on each side and already imagines herself in the tits Olympus. But for the title “The biggest breasts in the world” she still has to improve a bit. Of course, the former stewardess earns her money as a model. This is the only way she can afford the many expensive breast surgeries. But beyond that, it is enough for an extravagant and luxurious life.

Only during sex she has to be very careful. She could accidentally smother or slay her sex partner with her Frankenstein boobs.

XXL bobs – curse or blessing?

In 2010, a contestant on the world-famous TV show “America’s Got Talent” proved just what kind of mischief such a “killer boob” can actually cause. She didn’t have the biggest breasts in the world, but she was able to bring sheer horror to the faces of the jury and the audience. Within a minute she is said to have crushed 20 full beer cans with her mega horns. But that’s not all. As a grande finale, she still crashed a watermelon with her mighty tits. Wow, what a performance. But with four no votes, she did not advance to the next round. Also, no jury member felt compelled to press the golden buzzer, even though they were the biggest boobs shown on “AGT.” However, she was advised to get a gun license for her “two buddies.”

Straight to the tits girl

Sheyla Hershey, an up-and-coming bust model from Mexico with a size 38 KKK cup, has a very different story to tell. On the way home from an exhausting photo shoot, she was in a serious car accident. The vehicle overturned several times and hit a tree with full force. Fortunately, she had her own silicone airbags with her. The ignition of the real airbag in the steering wheel failed. Conclusion: her well-padded balloons saved the model’s life. The implants absorbed the force of the impact and even remained undamaged, just like her pretty face. In the future, Sheyla doesn’t want to rely on the failure-prone technology and upgrade her airbags to size MMM.

But who has the fattest things now?

The official biggest breasts in the world in the category “Natural Tits” are owned by the US-American Annie Hawkins-Turner. With a cup size of 102 ZZZ, she made it into the Guinness Book in 1999 and has remained unchallenged at number 1 to this day. Both breasts weigh a combined 22 kilograms, with a chest circumference of 2, 20 meters. Everything has grown naturally, doctors confirm. However, the doctors suspect a gene defect, because the breasts continue to grow. In everyday life, this brings some disadvantages. Annie has to be very careful when she goes down a flight of stairs.

The weight of her horns could throw her off balance and she would tumble headlong down the steps. When eating, she needs extra long cutlery because of her extreme stoop. You can’t buy a bra in her size anywhere. So she needs a custom-made model, which costs a whopping $500. Similarly, for the seat belt in the car must also be a custom design. So living with the biggest breasts in the world comes with some hurdles. Where there is much shadow, there is also much light.

Straight to the tits girl

Annie Hawkins-Turner works as a bust fetish model and is passed from one talk show to another. It now enjoys international fame and recognition. As far as the financial side is concerned, she can’t complain. She is very satisfied with her extraordinary life. Breast surgery for the purpose of reduction is absolutely out of the question for the American.

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