Google wants to display explicit image results pixelated

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Google wants to display explicit image results pixelated
Google wants to display explicit image results pixelated

No more sex pictures on Google?

Google, the world’s leading search engine operator, has announced that it will blur explicit image results in the future. This decision was made due to the increasing number of complaints about the display of inappropriate images and is intended to help make surfing the Internet safer.

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What does that mean exactly? In the future, when a user searches for explicit content, Google will blur the results. This means that the image itself is no longer visible, but only a blurred version of it is displayed. However, the user still has the option to click on the image to view it in full size if they wish.

Another step towards online censorship?

This change will be extended to all countries where Google is available. Google emphasizes that this change is not meant to affect searches for legal content. Instead, it is intended to help reduce the display of inappropriate content and increase safety on the Internet.

Google wants to display explicit image results pixelated

Google has also announced that it will continue to improve its search algorithms to ensure that less inappropriate content is displayed in search results. Google works hard to ensure that it can provide its users with a safe and positive browsing experience. The company has already taken steps to reduce the spread of fake news and misleading content, and this latest announcement is another step in that direction.

For adult Google users, this change means that they will see less inappropriate content in search results in the future. However, it is important to note that this change will not cause all explicit content to disappear from search results. If users specifically search for such content, it will still be displayed in the results, but just blurred.

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Overall, Google’s decision to blur explicit image results is an important step towards a safer and more enjoyable online experience. However, it remains to be seen how this change will affect search results and whether Google will take further measures to improve the security of its users in the future.

Positive feedback and criticism

Google has already taken measures in the past to ensure the security of its users. For example, the “SafeSearch” function was introduced, which allows users to filter explicit content from their search results. This feature will remain available, so users will still be able to decide for themselves what kind of content they want to see.

Google wants to display explicit image results pixelated

In addition, Google has announced that it will use its machine learning technology to improve the filtering of inappropriate content in search results. The company plans to continuously improve its algorithms to optimize content filtering.

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Google’s decision to blur explicit image results is also a reaction to legal requirements and public demands for more online safety. In recent years in particular, there has been an increase in complaints and public discussions about the presentation of inappropriate content on the Internet.

Although Google’s change has been met with a positive response, there are also critics who argue that this is a restriction on freedom of expression and that it will be difficult to distinguish between explicit and normal content. However, Google has stressed that this decision is not a restriction of freedom of expression, but a measure to increase online safety, especially with regard to the protection of minors.

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