Sexy Car Wash: My sexy niece washes my car half-naked

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

The seductive world of the Sexy Car Wash

I decided a long time ago to stop going to ordinary car washes. The decision to use a Sexy Car Wash can be driven by various motivations. Some men may opt for a Sexy Car Wash because they love their vehicles and value their care. But the best thing about it was my sex-crazed niece, who really wanted to wash the car.

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Other men, on the other hand, will be less interested in the clean car and more in satisfying their own desires. It’s up to you, and I have to admit that my main argument for a Sexy Car Wash belongs to the second category. I mean, the women who wash the cars can be pretty damn sexy. I am now a regular customer at the only car wash that offers this service in our village.

My imagination runs away with me

On my last visit to the Sexy Car Wash, I felt like I was being remote-controlled. Almost like a sex toy whose control was in the hands of another person. My car was really dirty and I couldn’t avoid having it cleaned.

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Of course, I was looking forward to a sensual performance by a sexy young woman even more than my clean car. For once, I was at the plant in the morning and suspected nothing bad.

I sensed that this time the experience was going to be different than usual. There was a lot going on and so I waited longer than I was used to. And I felt particularly attracted to a cute car washerwoman. It felt like an erotically charged atmosphere. In my imagination, I wanted to get closer to the young woman. I was aware that it wouldn’t be that easy, but I made a plan on the spur of the moment.

Sexy Car Wash: My sexy niece washes my car half-naked

Big surprise from my sex-crazed niece

It was clear that it was all in my head, but I was captivated by the young woman’s sensual performance. After all, it is logical that the provocative is part of the offer and should attract customers. Fortunately, there are no rules in my fantasy. However, it is crucial to accept the clear boundaries of the car washers and to behave correctly.

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Sexual satisfaction had never occurred to me before. Only this morning, my imagination almost ran away with me. Until this one moment. When it was my turn, the young woman came towards me and I recognized her. It was my sex-crazed little niece. She has always been open about her sexuality, but I never wondered what she might be up to during the day. Now, surprisingly, I got an idea of it.

The tempting world of the Sexy Car Wash

My sex-hungry niece didn’t let on and did her job, as she had done with the other customers before. She gave my car’s bodywork a new shine and polished it thoroughly. Every hand movement with the sponge felt like a sensual touch. In my imagination, she not only polished my car, but also what was hidden inside the car.

I had to grin wider and wider the more my sex-crazed niece lolled on my hood. My thoughts got wilder and wilder and I wondered what would happen next. I hoped that she would treat me like an ordinary guest. And to my astonishment, she did. I knew from previous days that I should tip well. And I was also very generous this time. My sex-hungry niece seemed to like my generosity and I was introduced deeper into the tantalizing world of the Sexy Car Wash.

My sexy niece from reserved to revealing

Some underwear women choose a subtle approach, expressing sensuality through elegant movements and seductive looks. But my sex-crazed niece opted for a more revealing performance. She showed more skin than the other girls and was simply aiming for sexual attraction. So I had no choice but to remunerate them appropriately. It was more than you would usually get on an allowance date, we both knew that.

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Never before have I found the combination of water, foam and naked skin as irresistible as this morning. She whispered to me that she only had two washes left and then she was off work. I took this as an invitation and waited for her to finish. Shortly after we set off, she let us in on the inside story. She admitted that generous men made her very horny. And with these words, she opened her blouse even wider.

Between eroticism and family ties

I barely had time to think about what would happen next. But one thing was certain, I didn’t want to keep it together any longer. And so we talked about really dirty stuff until we both no longer knew what to do with our horniness.

What began as a seductive Sexy Car Wash experience turned out to be a delightful adventure. However, I kept reminding myself that the cute car washer was my sex-crazed niece, so I tried to pull myself together. We agreed that we would try to limit our experience to the Sexy Car Wash.

The atmosphere was so sexually charged that the drive home was almost torture. But we both managed to pull ourselves together. Even though, to be honest, I had most hoped that she would take care of my belt. And the sex-crazed little niece also made it clear that she was in the mood for a forbidden adventure.

The next encounter and my sex-crazed niece

We haven’t seen each other since I discovered that my sexy niece works as a sexy car washer. Not a word was exchanged in the meantime. But I wasn’t surprised for too long, because we rarely had private contact.

I was still looking forward to meeting my sexy little niece again at the next Sexy Car Wash. I marveled at them even more this time. Her erotic and sensual nature made me insanely horny. Even more so than last time, when I didn’t realize it was my sex-crazed niece. I wanted to defy my horniness and once again decided to have a sexy car wash with my sister’s hot daughter.

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I noticed that the skillful movements and sensual gestures with which my sex-crazed niece polished my car became more and more intense. She smiled and gave me a very inviting look that I could hardly resist.

The best comes at the end

This new encounter was like seeing my sex-crazed niece in a completely new light for the first time. I now became aware of her talent for sexiness and seductive charisma in an even more provocative way.

I felt myself wincing more and more inside. After a while, my car was ready again. My sex-hungry niece was drenched in sweat from the strenuous handjobs with the sponge on my hot speedster. My attempt to control myself again failed the moment my sex-crazed niece joined me in the car.

I was her last customer for the day, which I couldn’t have known beforehand. But my joy was written all over my face and this time it made me look even deeper. My sex-crazed niece pushed her skirt a little higher than it had already slipped.

Sexy Car Wash: My sexy niece washes my car half-naked

The crowning finale and my sex-hungry niece

She allowed me to take a look at her almost non-existent panties. Of course, the sight of the breath of nothing made me really horny and I pulled off the road at the next opportunity. We unknowingly ended up in a parking lot where a few truck drivers were milling about.

My sex-crazed niece unabashedly told me that she knew this parking lot only too well. I didn’t even need to ask, as she added why the parking lot and one or two of the drivers looked familiar to her. She made herself more and more interesting to me with her stories and her sexual openness.

The whole thing led to her sharing her dirtiest thoughts about me with me. I sat next to her with my eyes wide, my mouth open and my pants very tight and could hardly believe my luck. My sister’s daughter really is my sex-crazed niece.

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