Sextoy test: Hot ‘n Cold vibrator with heat and cold function

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Sextoy test: Hot 'n Cold vibrator with heat and cold function
Sextoy test: Hot 'n Cold vibrator with heat and cold function

This massage stick is a good all-rounder

Vibrators, after all, serve one main purpose, namely sexual satisfaction. This fulfills the vibrator with heat and cold function, of course. But it can do a lot more. Besides its original purposes, it is wonderful to use as a massage stick for tense muscles. This vibrator can also provide relief from joint pain.

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The vibrator with hot and cold function has a very aesthetic shape that resembles a beautiful long penis. It comes in two colors, black and petrol. The petrol with the gold border at the bottom looks particularly appealing. The vibrator is very easy to insert due to its silky texture. A lubricant is not required.

The actual purpose of the vibrator with heat and cold function

The seven different vibration levels and the change point between cold and warm are located at the lower slightly rounded end. They are quite easily accessible during use and in no way interfere with lovemaking.

Sextoy test: Hot'n Cold vibrator with heat and cold function

Stimulation in the vaginal or anal area successfully serves its purpose. However, the switch to the different heat and cold levels is very intense. The skin is exposed to very strong stimuli here. The vibrator with heat and cold function has of course been designed for this, but you have to like this intense stimulus. Then the vibrator fulfills its full purpose and gives especially emotional experiences.

Massage of the erogenous zones

The real highlight of the vibrator with heat and cold function is the stimulation of other erogenous zones. The alternation between hot and cold is very good for exciting the nipples. The nipples of women and men are particularly sensitive to cold. A little cold stimulation makes each nipple hard.

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The flattened tip of the vibrator with heat and cold function is just right to glide over the body. Together with the activated heat, it moves smoothly over the abdomen to the legs. The warmth gives a pleasant shiver on the skin. The flattened tip caresses excitingly warm over the inside of the thighs to the pussy. Here the vibrator is not inserted immediately, but intensively massages the clitoris. Due to the large stimulating surface, a clitoral orgasm is certain.

More play zones on the body

Sextoy test: Hot'n Cold vibrator with heat and cold functionThe vibrator with heat and cold function is a good massager for tense parts of the body. The flattened shape of the tip really allows for a snug fit on these points.

The nice length of 21 cm makes it easy to reach slightly tense areas on the back and neck. With the seven different intensity levels, the painful points can be massaged according to tolerance. The heat function here complements the massage function quite significantly. Painful and tense points on the body are really loosened and thus the pain is relieved.

Other tense areas of the body such as the thighs or arms are massaged just as successfully.

Painful joints can also be treated well with this vibrator. The cold function is suitable for this purpose. The flattened tip again enables precise contact on the respective joint. Surely it is recommended to start with a light level. The intensity can be changed depending on the intensity of pain and the size of the treated joint. If the cold is felt to be too intense, a thin light cloth can be placed between the skin and the vibrator.

Massage of the face is certainly feasible. However, you have to like that, because the vibrator is mainly used in other parts of the body. Whereby the vibrator is easy to clean. For disinfection, a special disinfectant is needed because of the silky texture.

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The vibrator with heat and cold function convinces with its diversity

This vibrator is really successful visually. It feels very comfortable and fun to touch and insert. It can also be used in the bath or shower, as it is waterproof. Here are stimulating games on yourself or together with your partner.

Of course, the vibrator can also be used to stimulate and massage the partner. And certainly the partner will be pleased with a professional massage of aching tensions.

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