Riot Mango: How I did the whore test

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Riot Mango: How I did the whore test
Riot Mango: How I did the whore test

The whore test with Riot Mango – how does it work?

Riot Mango: In order for men to be satisfied with paid sex, private models have to undergo a whore test. In the process, their skills are tested at various levels. Too often it happened that men were disappointed with the performance of the booked amateur whores. To make sure that doesn’t happen, RiotMango does a whore test.

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To avoid disappointment with amateur hookers

Riot Mango: How I did the whore testPrivate models, but also trannies, have to undergo a whore test more and more often. Riot Mango is no exception. In the past, punters complained again and again that amateur whores do not live up to what they imagine. There it may well happen that they kick out the hobby hookers. RiotMango wants to avoid this disgrace at all costs and has therefore voluntarily undergone a whore test. She also wants to be one of the AO women who do everything without.

After all, she wants to make money at the sex parties and the other opportunities that come her way. In terms of the test, Riot Mango has already heard about the no-snogging rule that applies to many women. She knows that many men therefore only go to such ladies where there is no kissing ban. She wants to be one of the AO hookers and offer something to the men.

It is important to her to live in a world without taboos and inhibitions. She wants her suitors to be excited about her. Riot Mango wants to attract regular customers. Kissing forbidden, does not fit into their profile. That is exactly why there is the slut test for willing ladies. In the process, you can prove their qualities. Riot has set out to pass the whore test with flying colors. And she managed to do that.

Sexkontakte mit Hobbyhuren

She knows that there are more and more AO women in Germany whose services suitors like to use. And it’s no wonder, because they earn good money with it. Especially if they suspend the no-snogging rule. Riot is aware that for a lot of the johns, it’s not just about sex alone. It doesn’t matter if they go to female hookers or trannies to fulfill their needs. But so that the men know where it is worthwhile, more and more ladies do a slut test. But how does it work?

Does the kissing ban make sense or not?

Riot Mango: How I did the whore testWhen it says kissing forbidden many suitors are not particularly fond of it. You want to experience love for sale holistically. Therefore, they increasingly look around on the online portals at the so-called AO hookers. These offer a full range of services. That means that they do everything without it. Kisses are also allowed. Those who pass the whore test can also ask for more money. Hourly rates starting at 150 euros are not uncommon.

So Riot Mango decided to do the whore test. Just before, of course, she was nervous. She appeared on time and outwardly perfectly calm for the appointment. A suitor awaited her, where she was allowed to show what she could do. The test went something like this:

The suitor expressed his wishes and she had to fulfill them. What practices are involved can be completely different. The ladies do not know beforehand what they have to do. Accordingly, they must be ready for anything and be ready to do anything. But Riot did it and received an excellent rating.

Fickkontakte mit Hobbynutten

This rating is deposited on various relevant portals. The better it is, the more often the models are booked. Of course, this also increases earnings. As soon as they are booked via these platforms, they receive further ratings and can improve – or worsen – in the process.

But the portals based on tests are a good opportunity to market the ladies. And many take this chance. By now, the men know that, too. Everyone knows that competition is good for business.

Are the ratings for private whores reliable?

Most of the reviews for the private hookers are already reliable. Nevertheless, punters should always expect that they can also be fake. For example, from the pimps. However, it is also possible that the ladies agree on the wording with their customers beforehand. But Riot Mango doesn’t think much of that. She believes that honesty pays off in this business.

Riot believes that the men quickly realize what is going on. Especially when the ladies do not deliver what the ratings promise. Therefore, in this article we assume honest reports about the experiences with the ladies. The criteria for this are wide-ranging. First of all, it is about the appearance of the ladies. After all, tastes are different. If men book a private whore, she should meet their requirements.

Kontakte mit Hobbyhuren

Some like blonde women, others are into racy black haired or fiery redheads. Of course, the figure should also be right. Opinions differ on that as well. Also in terms of age. Also of importance are the practices that the ladies offer. The positions themselves also take an important role.

The men then tell about their impressions and experiences during the whore test in the portals. They often report on it in detail. This gives the other potential suitors a pretty accurate picture. Suitors, by the way, are consistently from all walks of life. This is also evident from the ratings. How to recognize this? On the expression and spelling of the report authors. Some write in correct German, others leave much to be desired. However, the report is always very vivid and pictorial. Just very precise.

Riot Mango is mostly satisfied with their ratings in the portals

Since Riot is willing to give a lot and is able to do so, it usually receives good reviews. Of course, there are also men whose wishes sound a bit strange. If it doesn’t meet them or wants to meet them, every now and then there are not so good ratings. But she can live with that. She is aware of what she can do. The will to earn a lot of money is also great with her. While she was nervous before the first test in the beginning, she is now completely relaxed when new assessments are due.

She is registered with several portals where men are allowed to make a judgment about her services. She tells her customers that every time. It points them to where they have the opportunity to evaluate it. And because she is curious, she regularly checks to see if she has been rated.

In all portals, by the way, the identity of the men remains anonymous. Therefore, no one has to be afraid of creating a review about Riot Mango and being recognized. The ladies also communicate this to their suitors. In order for the recurring tests to have a benefit, it looks a little different for the ladies. The men often share the stage names of the ladies in the reviews. For some, it’s even posting their photos online.

Objectively, the tests and reviews of private whores are a good chance for men to find the right one for their needs. Riot has no problem with this, as she knows about her abilities. If you want to book a suitable lady, you should definitely look into the relevant portals. He might even meet Riot Mango in person there and have fun with her.

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