Is there help from the state if sex is a basic need?

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes


The dilemma of modern society: sex a basic need or luxury item?

If sex is a basic need, why don’t people receive support from the state if they are in need in this regard? Food and housing are also provided by the Office for Basic Security!

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In the age when humans can explore Mars, create AI armies, and create genetically modified cats that glow in the dark, one question is at the heart of our society: is sex a basic need? Or, to put it another way: Why does the state provide bread but not love?

Food and shelter – But no love?

Once you think back, humanity has always had a natural inclination towards the basic needs of life. Food and shelter are essential. It is natural for the state to intervene when someone is hungry or without shelter. But why not with love? Finally, if sex is a basic need, why are there no government assistance programs for those in need in this area?

Is there help from the state if sex is a basic need?
Is there help from the state if sex is a basic need?

Some may argue that food and shelter are physical necessities. But stop! Before we let our thoughts drift too much, let’s remember how Freud argued that many human actions are based on sexual drives. The state promotes families and partnerships – indirectly affirming that sex is a basic need.

The bureaucracy of love

Just imagine the possibility of receiving a “love bonus” from the state. What would the application forms look like? “Please complete section B if you have had less than five dates in the last six months. Section C is relevant only to those who have not had a second date in the last twelve months.”

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Or how about some kind of “date advisor”? An expert employed by the government to give tips on how to behave on a first date, what to wear and what topics of conversation are better to avoid. And of course, the state-sanctioned love songs and movies can’t be missing to promote romance.

There are hurdles, however. What if someone claims to be indigent just to take advantage? How do you evaluate a person’s “need for love”? And what happens when the bureaucracy decides that someone is not “in need of love” enough?

Love in the age of capitalism

Is there help from the state if sex is a basic need?

In a world where almost everything has a price, it would not be surprising if love were also commercialized. There are already countless apps and websites that want to bring people together. And yes, some of these services are fee-based. But isn’t it strange that we’re willing to pay for streaming services, designer coffee and the latest smartphone, but when it comes to investing in our relationships, we hesitate?

Perhaps the state should actually consider subsidizing love. Maybe we could get “love coupons” or “romance tax refunds”. And for those who say you can’t buy love – well, maybe they’re right. But a little financial incentive certainly couldn’t hurt.

Back to the core of the problem. It is undeniable that sex is a basic need, just like food and shelter. Perhaps as a society we should think about how to support those in need in this area. Offering direct government support in the form of “love bonuses” may not be the answer, but we can certainly find ways to encourage and support people to find real and meaningful connections with others.

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In the meantime, perhaps we can all try a little harder to bring love and understanding into the world. Because at a time when there is so much uncertainty and fear, it is more important than ever to remember what really matters: interpersonal connections. And yes, while we are talking about food and shelter, let’s not forget that sex is a basic need. It will always play a central role in our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. It’s up to us how we deal with it.

The complexity of love in a digital world

In the digital era, where relationships often begin and end with a swipe left or right, the concept of sex as a basic need becomes even more complex. We are so technologically connected and yet often so emotionally isolated. Sometimes it seems like our screens are both barriers and bridges.

“LoveBots” – Our Future?

Why is love and sexuality a basic need? What influences sexuality? What does sexuality mean for people? What are the basic needs of people?l

The rapid development of technology and AI is leading to new considerations. If sex is a basic need, could there be a technological solution in the near future to fulfill that need? AI-controlled “LoveBots,” as absurd as it sounds, could be the answer for some. A robot specifically designed to meet emotional and physical needs. However, this could lead to ethical issues. Could humans form real emotional connections with machines? And what would that say about our humanity?

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Redefinition of relationships and needs

At the end of the day, all these discussions and reflections might make us rethink our idea of relationships and needs. Perhaps we should think not only about how the state can support us, but also how we can support each other. It’s about bringing more empathy, understanding and patience to our interactions.

And yes, while it’s fun to imagine a world where the state issues “love vouchers” or where AI robots fulfill our relationship needs, the real solution may be both simpler and more complex. It’s about making and nurturing genuine interpersonal connections, taking the time to really listen, and remembering what it means to be human.

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In summary, the topic of “sex as a basic need” certainly stimulates discussion and reflection. It reminds us of the importance of real connections and how important it is to talk about our needs and desires. And while the state may not directly intervene in our love lives, we can certainly find ways to support each other in this complex, often chaotic world. Because ultimately, sex is a basic need, but the love and understanding behind it is what really counts.

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