He wants sex, but not a relationship. Why?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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Sex, but no relationship – what are the reasons?

There are people who have only one goal: to find a relationship for life. On the other hand, there are also all those who (initially) “only” want sex, but not a relationship. And because men and women “tick” differently in many respects, emotional chaos and despair are sometimes guaranteed. But the topic is actually quite simple…

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Just sex, nothing more

Some people seek physical intimacy without wanting to form an emotional bond with the other person. Why is that? Well, the reasons for this can be extremely varied: from personal priorities and experiences in certain phases of life to individual preferences and wishes. In any case, it is important to communicate respectfully with each other within the framework of a “two-person construct” in order to ensure that the expectations of both sides are understood from the outset. Communication is everything when it comes to individual needs and personal ideas about (love) life.

He wants sex, but not a relationship. Why?
He wants sex, but not a relationship. Why?

Unfortunately, however, there are people who are not particularly good at adapting to their counterparts or even understanding their needs. In this respect, the question of why he wants sex but not a relationship must always be considered individually.

The view behind the man

It doesn’t depend on the age. One could assume that men, especially at a younger age, simply want to try things out and get to know the female sex in a non-binding way. There should be as much sex as possible, but no relationship. However, experience has shown time and again that older people also have this attitude.

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Perhaps because after a separation or divorce from a great love, they don’t want to let anyone else get closer to them on an emotional level. In this case, the probability is relatively high that the man will change his mind at some point.

The relationship has a negative connotation

Even if it may be hard for many women, it is in the nature of things that many men want sex but not a relationship. In this context, a look back to the Stone Age can be helpful. Even back then, the men of creation were regarded as hunters and gatherers, while the ladies had to look after the physical well-being and a cozy home in the cave. It was therefore up to them to maintain or strengthen the social connections. Despite everything, the men went their separate ways again after eating and sleeping – namely on the hunt.

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In a figurative sense, one could assume that it is still the same in today’s modern times. In many male circles, it is not uncommon to boast about the number of previous sexual partners among friends. The greater the number, the greater the respect of the gentlemen.

Few men want to commit. For the majority of them, the term “relationship” has negative connotations. This is because it is often only associated with stressful obligations, bad, monotonous sex, dependency, arguments and routine. The longer a man is with a woman, the more exhausting she becomes. How is it still possible to have sex with such a creature?

The prospect of never having sex with other women again because you have entered into a relationship seems frightening in the face of such ideas. An aspect that is actually quite understandable. But at this point, women can already give in and emphasize that they are “different” through their character and behavior.

In fact, there is hardly a real guy who doesn’t want a woman who is “different” from everyone else. At first glance, this statement may seem a little clichéd. But the fact is that it does have a right to exist.

Only sex out of fear, but no relationship?

One of the most common reasons why men want sex but not a relationship is low self-esteem. Fears or problems with one’s own self can also be the cause of the male “primal fear” of relationships. Many people believe that they are not good enough or that they cannot offer the woman of their dreams what she deserves.

There is hope here too: today’s modern woman only needs to show her “Adonis” time and again that she really is different and that he doesn’t need to be afraid of any expectations that are too high.

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