Fuck AO whores – sex without rubber despite condom requirement

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Fuck AO whores - sex without rubber despite condom requirement
Fuck AO whores - sex without rubber despite condom requirement


AO whores fuck despite condom requirement

Sex without a rubber is still common practice among punters and prostitutes. The Prostitute Protection Act does not apply. It is not possible to control compliance with the condom requirement. Many suitors want to fuck AO whores. Meanwhile, the men exchange information about the AO whores on Internet forums. They do not shy away from the health risks involved.

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The desire of many men

Fuck AO whores - sex without rubber despite condom requirementMany men prefer to have sex without a rubber, even though they know about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. With a condom, sex is less “touchy-feely.” The illusion factor is also higher in AO whore fucking. The desire for sex without a condom exists not only in committed relationships, but also in one-night stands and pay-6. In Germany, sexual services without a condom have been prohibited since 2017.

Even when blowing must be rubberized. Safer sex is now standard in the horizontal trade – at least officially. When men want to fuck AO whores, they inform themselves on the Internet in so-called AO forums. There report other johns who also fuck AO whores. You then only need to go specifically to these ladies.

AO forums and free forums

Most suitor forums are regional. Thus, the AO forum “AO Whores” is initially sorted by state. In addition, there are “chat corners”, e.g. the chat corner AO in Bonn. Gentlemen will quickly find the area they are looking for. They unerringly discover ladies for their particular service request. AO whore fucking is that simple.

The topics discussed in the AO forum are also exciting. In addition to contraceptive topics (“morning-after pill”), there is a lively exchange about sexually transmitted diseases. One thread is called “Hope for Chlamydia Vaccine.” Another is called “gonorrhea increasingly difficult to fight.” Health tests that clients undergo before fucking AO whores are also a topic. The men who fuck AO whores do care about their health – albeit a little differently than the mainstream.

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It is interesting to note that censorships have been introduced in traditional john forums for services with condoms since the Prostitute Protection Act, which is not the case in AO forums. Here people openly exchange information about the illegal service. The threatened sanctions don’t seem to interest the AO whores, or the men who fuck AO whores, much.

The Prostitute Protection Act

Fuck AO whores - sex without rubber despite condom requirementThe Prostitute Protection Act was introduced in 2017 and finally came into force in 2018. Since then, all prostitutes have to register at the Ordnungsamt and receive a registration certificate. Brothel operators must also register their businesses. You will only be granted a concession if you can credibly demonstrate that the condom requirement is complied with in your establishment. Sex without a rubber with prostitutes is therefore also a misdemeanor for operators. The condom requirement is mainly aimed at the johns. AO whore-fucking is an administrative offense for them, punishable by a fine of 50,000 euros. The women face a professional ban if they violate the advertising ban. However, you do not have to pay a fine. For them, however, you face a hefty fine if you work without registration.

The ProstSchG in the crossfire

The association Dona Carmen e. V. for social and political rights of prostitutes filed a constitutional complaint against the Prostitutes Protection Act in Karlsruhe on June 21, 2017. He criticized, among other things, the condom obligation and the compulsion to operators to control the ladies in this regard. Furthermore, it is criticized that the condom obligation is an encroachment on the sexual self-determination of adults. The constitutional complaint denounces further points, for example that the “unrestrictedness of the dwelling” is no longer given and that by a data recording of the ladies one even plays into the fingers of human traffickers.

The practical implementation of the condom obligation

All brothels must have a clearly visible sign in the brothel rooms stating that condoms are compulsory. Furthermore, there is a ban on advertising sex without a condom and even blow jobs without a condom. The question arises how the legislator wants to control this?! Conceivable would be inquiries by telephone for the so-called “Catholic service”.

Read also: These girls want to bang men without a rubber

However, the phone call would have to be recorded to count as evidence. An official who comes to visit as a so-called test suitor has no chance on his own, as it would be testimony against testimony. In addition, there are the costs of such test visits, which in the end would have to be financed by the taxpayer. Consequently, it will remain hidden from the state what happens in the room once the doors are locked.

AO whores fuck is illegal

Fuck AO whores - sex without rubber despite condom requirementThere is no concession for AO brothels. Prostitutes who officially offer AO are banned from the profession. It can be assumed that the AO offers are either only offered “behind closed doors” or in stores that are not officially registered. As of Dec. 31, 2018, 32,799 prostitutes and 2285 establishments were officially registered in Germany (source: Destatis). The number of unreported cases is probably much higher. It can be assumed that most AO whores do not have a whore passport.


It is difficult to understand how these women manage to work and stay healthy under such conditions. Rapid tests in particular do not provide adequate protection because they do not indicate very fresh infections. Furthermore, it must be remembered that in the trade a sexually transmitted disease entails a loss of earnings for several days.

Health risks from sex without a rubber

Should you fuck AO whores? Sex without a rubber poses a significant health risk in terms of sexually transmitted diseases. The German Aidshilfe points out that condoms protect against HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis B and C. These are just the most common sexually transmitted diseases. There are also chlamydia, trichomonas, genital warts and herpes.


Many men prefer to have sex without a rubber. Sex without a rubber in pay-6 has always existed and always will. The Prostitute Protection Act and the condom requirement have not changed this fact. Men who fuck AO whores so far will continue to do so. Compliance with the law is not verifiable by the state. Further, he also does not seem to have much interest, as in many places sex without a rubber continues to be practiced commercially. Furthermore, the question arises as to whether a condom requirement in Pay-6 does not represent too massive an encroachment on the freedom and sexual self-determination of the individual.

Men who want to fuck AO whores exchange information in so-called AO forums. Here the topic is not only which ladies offer sex without a rubber, but also sexually transmitted diseases. Here, alternatives to the Parisian are discussed, from the health certificate to the “vaccination against chlamydia” everything is included.

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