Doubtful ideal: trend goes to the corrected intimate area

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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The perfectly designed intimate area

In today’s society, ideals of beauty are constantly changing. A new trend that is gaining popularity lately is the so-called “corrected intimate area”. This discussion often fails to recognize that beauty is subjective and individual. For this reason, we should think carefully about what we want to change about ourselves and why.

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More beautiful – firmer – younger?

Doubtful ideal: trend goes to the corrected intimate area
Doubtful ideal: trend goes to the corrected intimate area

By a “corrected intimate area” many understand a firmer and younger appearance. The image of the “perfect” intimate area is often shaped by the media, but does this ideal really correspond to reality? A corrected genital area does not necessarily mean that it is more beautiful, firmer or younger. It is important to understand that every body is unique and there is no universal ideal.

A corrected intimate area may also be related to health aspects. In some cases, correction may be necessary to relieve discomfort or prevent health problems. But here, too, the decision should be well thought out and discussed with a specialist.

Porn and advertising role models

A great influence on the beauty ideal “corrected intimate area” comes from porn and advertising. Very specific, unrealistic body images are often presented there. These can lead to a distorted body image in some people and fuel unrealistic expectations. It is important to recognize that representations in media do not reflect the diversity of natural bodies. Every body is beautiful and unique in its own way.

In addition, these media often present an unrealistic image of sex and relationships, which can create additional pressure. Instead of orienting yourself to these images, it is better to develop a healthy, realistic view of your own body and sexuality.

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The decision for a corrected intimate area should always be made on a well-informed basis. Beauty is very individual and universal beauty ideals often do not fit reality. Therefore, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable in your own body and do not let yourself be pressured by social norms. Remember: You are beautiful just the way you are!

Reflection of own desires and social imprinting

Doubtful ideal: trend goes to the corrected intimate area
Doubtful ideal: trend goes to the corrected intimate area

The idea of a “perfect” or “corrected” intimate area is strongly influenced by subjective and social perceptions. Reflection on one’s own wishes and ideas plays a central role here. Before deciding to change, one should go within and find out if the desire to change really comes from within or if it is caused by societal norms and expectations.

Aesthetic and health aspects should not be mixed. While health reasons may justify a change after careful consideration, aesthetic corrections are often unnecessary and can lead to further complexities. The dialogue with one’s own self and one’s own body is thus of great importance. It’s about finding a healthy middle ground between self-acceptance and the desire to change.

In a world dominated by diverse ideals of beauty, it is essential to develop and cultivate one’s own self-determined view. Authenticity and self-love should be in the foreground in order to do justice to the diversity and uniqueness of the human body. In this sense, we should learn to appreciate the uniqueness of each individual and question the desire for perfection. It is ultimately acceptance and love for oneself that leads to true well-being and contentment.

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