This vegan sucks only meatless cock

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes


Spurned by the flesh

In the ever-growing world of avocado worshippers and tofu baptists, a revolutionary philosophy is underway. Welcome to the world of petal Sonnenschein, a convinced vegan who has turned her back not only on carnal delicacies, but also on carnal lusts.

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The vegan who declares war on carnal desire

Petal Sunshine, founder of the No Meat, No Carnal movement, argues that true vegans should distance themselves from all forms of carnal existence – including the act of carnal union. “It’s simply inconsistent,” asserts Blütenblatt, “to choose not to eat animal products but still indulge in carnal pleasure!”

The VEGAN Dating

It preaches liberation from all kinds of physical desire and claims that true purity can only be achieved by renouncing not only food but also physical intimacy. Petal emphasizes that love and affection can exist in many forms, and turns to spiritual connection and coexistence with plants.

“The leaves of the lettuce plants whisper to me the secrets of the universe,” assures vegan Petal during a meditation session in her cress-covered living room. “Who needs human touch anymore?”

This vegan sucks only meatless cock
This vegan sucks only meatless cock

The vegan community’s reaction to petal philosophy has been mixed, to say the least. Some support their views and see the rejection of carnality as a natural evolution of veganism. Others consider their ideas extreme and believe that love and intimacy are essential human experiences that cannot be equated with the consumption of animal products.

But there are also contra for the meatless vegan

There is also headwind from the scientific community. Psychologists and biologists emphasize that sexual intimacy is a natural human function and it can be unhealthy to suppress it. “It’s one thing to choose your diet, quite another to deny your biology,” comments a renowned scientist.

Petal Sunshine remains steadfast, however, and plans to spread her message through workshops and seminars, such as “Photosynthesis of Love” and “Harmony with Chlorophyll Energy.” Their followers, also known as “The Pure Leaves,” see this movement as a path to true enlightenment and a life in complete harmony with nature.

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