Question: Would an affair be worth it for you?

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Why can an affair be worthwhile?

For most people, love is also about being faithful to each other in a partnership. After all, you don’t usually want your partner to be unfaithful and get carried away with an infidelity. Nevertheless, it happens again and again that women or men in a relationship also have an affair.

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However, if such an affair comes out at some point, then in some cases there is also a separation in the actual partnership. In most cases, this is because the person who has been cheated on cannot deal with the infidelity and there is no longer sufficient trust to continue the relationship.

However, it also happens that an affair has positive effects on the actual relationship. Similarly, it can also happen that the affair turns into a new partnership at some point over time. In this article, we want to take a look at the conditions under which an affair can be a real enrichment.

An affair can bring a new tingle to everyday life

Question: Would an affair be worth it for you?
Question: Would an affair be worth it for you?

In most partnerships, the dull everyday life takes hold at some point and it is not uncommon for the fire to be lost in many relationships. This is another reason why many women and men long for a fling and want to find an affair to experience new fire and a tingling sensation.

For this reason, an affair can have a positive impact on everyday life. Such an affair is certainly not fair to the actual partner and yet it happens again and again in partnerships that one or two infidelities occur. However, you should think carefully about how much space you want to give to such an affair and also whether you want to confess such an infidelity or a longer affair to your partner.

Using the experience of an affair for the existing relationship

Many affairs only last for a while and are then over very quickly after a while. One of the reasons for this is that even in an affair that lasts a long time, everyday life returns and the special tingling sensation is gradually lost and sex becomes less frequent.

It is also not uncommon for people to realize that not everything in the affair corresponds to their own expectations. Last but not least, there are also many women and men who, interestingly, appreciate their actual partner more again.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Guide: Having an affair with your ex despite your relationship?
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After all, there were reasons in the past why you fell in love with your partner. Through the experience of the short-term affair, you may even be able to rekindle the fire in your relationship and appreciate your partner more.

Turning an affair into a new relationship

If things have not been right in your previous relationship for a long time and the cracks in your relationship can no longer be mended, then an affair can also be a new beginning. After all, it is not uncommon for an affair to turn into a new and long-lasting love affair.

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