How often do newlyweds have sex?

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


What does it look like in German beds?

Do newly in love people have more sex than people who have been in a relationship for longer? And how often does this happen? Is it even possible to compare people who have different levels of desire for sex and sexual encounters? These are important questions if you want to assess your own sexual behavior. So let’s take a closer look at the topic.

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In principle, the various surveys can be used to determine more precisely how often people in Germany have sex with each other. This can be broken down not only into people in partnerships, married people and singles, but also into age groups. And as surprising as this may sound, young people in particular are having significantly more sex. It also sounds understandable that people who have just fallen in love are driving sex to new heights. Around 30 percent of all unmarried couples have sex with each other several times a week.

Why do newly in love couples have more sex than other couples?

So the question now arises as to why newly in love have significantly more sex with each other than people who have been in a relationship for longer. There can be various reasons for this. Here are three of the most important reasons:

1. you still get to know each other

Hormones play a very special role in love. You still see your new partner through rose-colored glasses and are driven by pure greed to experience as much as possible with this person. And what could be better than having sex with this person?

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You can get to know each other in a very intimate way, explore your partner’s body and discover lots of little details that make a new relationship so exciting. The small beauty marks on the thighs, the birthmark on the stomach or the beautiful veins on the muscular forearms.

2. the opportunities for sex together must be used

When newly in love have sex, it is usually not on a regular basis. They don’t usually live together yet and therefore only have a few opportunities to sleep together. Of course, these are then used as much as possible. This can mean sleeping together three or more times a day and having a wonderful time.

How often do newlyweds have sex?
How often do newlyweds have sex?

Of course, this pushes the average up considerably if you look at the other opportunities in direct comparison. If you have an apartment together, you could theoretically sleep together every day. So it’s not just the opportunity, but also the motivation. And this is clearly even higher for newly in love couples.

3. newly in love couples are often more willing to experiment

Another reason why newlyweds have more sex is that they often still have to find each other. Everyone has different ideas and preferences when it comes to sex and experiencing these together and finding a common denominator can be a lot of fun. Those who are newly in love also like to try out new things in bed and may discover new passions and new possibilities.

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This in itself makes sex more exciting and more thrilling than in later years. Sex between couples who have been sleeping together for a long time is different, sometimes more intense, sometimes more rehearsed and often more satisfying. But the thrill of the first months or years can only rarely be triggered by this sex.

Does this rule always apply to all couples?

Basically, we can only ever speak of trends. If two people fall in love at the age of 65, this does not necessarily mean that they will fall over each other like rabbits. Biology and our own desire for sexuality are not subject to any norm. If newly in love don’t see sex as something important, then that’s the way it is and that’s their decision.

You should definitely not base yourself and your own sexual behavior on the average. As long as both partners are happy and satisfied with the amount of sex, there is nothing to change here.

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