Doctor must go to jail for raping female patient

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


A cardiologist in the crosshairs: The Aschaffenburg verdict

In recent months, the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg has been the scene of a special court case that caused a stir far beyond the region’s borders. A cardiologist was at the center of charges of raping female patients and other serious allegations.

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Allegation of assault during an investigation

Prosecution records included an allegation that the doctor performed inappropriate acts during an ultrasound examination in April 2021. The accusation was that during this examination he put his hand inside the patient’s underwear and penetrated her with his fingers. It was emphasized that these actions were against the express will of the patient.

Doctor must go to jail for raping female patient
Doctor must go to jail for raping female patient

The inappropriate intervention surprised the victim to such an extent that she was not in a position to defend herself against it. Particularly frightening was the fact that the reason for the examination was heart problems and such an intervention in the intimate area had no necessity according to a medical expert.

Other charges: Infringement and surreptitious recordings

But that was not the only incident. Another incident occurred in September of the same year. Here, another patient was forced to perform unwanted touching.

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The cardiologist let the victim touch his private parts and then went too far himself by penetrating the woman with a finger. A third troublesome incident involved the surreptitious filming of a woman. During a conversation in his office, he used his smartphone to secretly take pictures up the skirt of the woman who was in his office as a representative of a laboratory.

The verdict and the consequences of rape of female patients

The court in Aschaffenburg reached its verdict after a thorough examination of the evidence and witness statements. The defendant had admitted the acts during the trial. While the prosecution demanded a prison sentence of three years and four months and a five-year ban from the profession, his defense pleaded for only two years in prison with probation.

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#The final sentence was two years and ten months imprisonment and a three-year ban from practicing medicine in relation to the treatment of female patients. It is important to note that the judgment is not yet final.

The case surrounding the rape of female patients by a cardiologist in Aschaffenburg has highlighted the importance of being constantly vigilant and never abusing the trust patients place in their doctors. The ruling sends a signal that such misconduct will not be tolerated and will have serious consequences.

Source: n-tv

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