Why little sex is normal for long-term couples

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Why little sex is normal for long-term couples
Why little sex is normal for long-term couples


When the desire decreases with time

It is a common myth that long-term couples should have wild and passionate sex every day. However, the reality is often different. In fact, it’s perfectly normal for sexual desire to wane in a long-term relationship.

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In the early stages of a relationship, newlyweds can hardly keep their hands off each other. But over time, the sexual desire decreases. Experts explain why this is so and when it becomes a problem. There is also a way to rekindle sexual desire. However, this requires work and a willingness to change. Couples should address conflicts, build trust and strengthen their relationship.

Why little sex is normal for long-term couples

It is also important to create a safe space where you can relax together and feel your partner’s skin. Couples should also talk about their sexual dynamics, who initiates sex and how that should go. To avoid a negative spiral, one of the partners should send signals without exerting pressure.

Little sex? Everything can be revived!

Here are some reasons why little sex is so common among long-term couples.

  1. Stress and fatigue
    Stress and fatigue are two of the most common factors that can affect sexual desire. Job stress, family obligations, and everyday challenges can leave you feeling just too tired in the evening to muster up any energy for sex.
  2. Routine
    Over time, life in a relationship can become very routine. You know each other’s every move and exactly what will happen next. This predictability can cause sexual desire to decrease. To avoid this, it can be helpful to try new things and bring adventure into the relationship.
  3. Physical changes
    As you age, you may experience physical changes that can affect sexual desire. These include menopause, erectile dysfunction and other health problems. It is important to talk about it openly and look for solutions together to revive sexual desire.
  4. Communication problems
    Sometimes communication problems can occur in a long-term relationship, which can also affect sexual desire. It is important to talk openly about sexual desires and needs to ensure that both partners are satisfied.
  5. Intimacy
    Intimacy is an important part of any relationship, including sexual intimacy. When intimacy decreases in a relationship, it can also affect sexual desire. It is important to spend time together and support each other to maintain intimacy in the relationship.

How often should a couple have sex?

It is important to note that there are no set rules for how often a couple should have sexual intercourse. Every relationship is unique and sexual desire can vary from person to person. It is important that both partners are satisfied and respect each other.

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So little sex in a long-term relationship is completely normal and no reason to worry. However, there are some steps couples can take to revive sexual desire, such as:

  • Reduce stress
  • Try new things
  • Talking openly about sexual needs
  • Spend time together
  • Address and solve health problems

It is important to note that it is not always easy to revive sexual desire. In some cases, it may be helpful to seek professional help to address the problem.


Little sex in long-term couples is completely normal and no cause for concern. However, there are some steps couples can take to revive sexual desire. It is important that both partners are satisfied and respect each other.

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), Sex and Intimacy in Relationships.
Mayo Clinic Staff (11/23/2020), Low sex drive in women.

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