Prostitution and rules – What do you have to pay attention to in the brothel?

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Prostitution and rules - What do you have to pay attention to in the brothel?
Prostitution and rules - What do you have to pay attention to in the brothel?


An exciting experience in the whorehouse

When you visit a brothel for the first time, it can be quite exciting. But there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure everything goes smoothly and you have a positive experience. First of all, you should be aware that there are rules that you need to follow.

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Most facilities have these rules posted on their website or at the entrances.

Some of the most important rules are:

  • Always use condoms: This applies to all sexual activities that may involve the exchange of body fluids. You should also use a condom during oral sex.
  • Respect the ladies: Remember that they are not objects, but people with feelings and needs. Treat them with respect and dignity.
  • Accept a “no”: if a lady tells you she doesn’t want to do something, accept that. Don’t push them or try to persuade them. If you absolutely want to try something specific, you should ask her beforehand if she is willing to do so.
  • Payment: Clarify in advance how much the service will cost and pay the amount at the beginning of the meeting. If you want something extra, discuss that beforehand as well and agree on an extra charge. Don’t negotiate the price once you’re in the room.
  • Discretion: Keep everything you experience in the brothel to yourself. The privacy of the ladies should be respected.

Prostitution and rules - What do you have to pay attention to in the brothel?

Now that you know the brothel rules, there are a few more tips you should follow to maximize your experience:

  • Preparation: Think about what you want in advance. Are you looking for a quick number or do you want to experience something special? Think about it before you go to the brothel. You should also make sure that you are clean and well groomed.
  • Negotiation: when you are in the room, you should not negotiate the price. This can negatively affect the mood and make the meeting not as enjoyable as you would like it to be. If you want something specific, you should discuss it beforehand and agree on an extra charge.
  • Hygiene: It is important that you take care of your hygiene. Shower or wash thoroughly beforehand and use deodorant. Wearing clean clothes is also important.
  • Communication: it is important that you communicate during the meeting. If you like or dislike something, tell the lady. This way you can make sure the experience is enjoyable for both parties.
  • Relaxation: remember that you paid and that it is not about a romantic relationship. Focus on enjoying the experience and relaxing. If you are stressed or nervous, it will negatively affect the mood and the meeting will not be as enjoyable as it could be.

When you leave the brothel, you should also make sure that you behave respectfully. Avoid staring at or harassing other customers or the ladies. If you had a good meeting with a lady, you can also tip her or leave a positive review on her website. This will show her that you enjoyed the experience and it will also help her attract more customers.

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