20 year old Swiss man injures his lung while jerking off

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
20 year old Swiss man injures his lung while jerking off
20 year old Swiss man injures his lung while jerking off


When the willy itches and the lungs squeeze

As teenagers, we’ve all worried at one time or another that a wild masturbation session might break our arm. But what if I told you there could be much more troubling consequences? Like hurting your lungs, for example.

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That’s exactly what happened to a 20-year-old Swiss man who seriously injured himself during a masturbation session. This may sound like a joke, but it is actually a very serious matter. The young man had an orgasm so violent that it crushed part of his lung.

Injured while masturbating – but survived

The doctors who treated him said he had suffered what is called a spontaneous pneumothorax because of the pressure he had put on his chest. This is a condition in which air accumulates between the lungs and chest wall, which can cause the lungs to collapse.

20 year old Swiss man injures his lung while jerking off
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Fortunately, the young man survived while masturbating and was successfully treated. But this incident shows that masturbation is not always harmless and can also lead to serious injuries.

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Masturbation is a perfectly normal and healthy sexual practice that many people engage in. It’s a way to explore and enjoy your own sexuality without relying on a partner. However, even when masturbating, you should take certain precautions to avoid injury.

Here are some tips you should keep in mind when masturbating:

  1. Take your time and pay attention to your body: avoid overexerting yourself or putting too much pressure on your body. If you feel pain or discomfort, you should stop immediately.
  2. Use appropriate equipment: If you use tools such as sex toys or other objects, make sure they are safe for use and have no sharp edges or corners.
  3. Be careful when using vacuum suction devices: These devices can cause a strong negative pressure, which can lead to injuries.
  4. Use lubricant: If you use lubricant, you can reduce friction and prevent injuries.
  5. Avoid positions that cause pressure on the chest: Especially for those with a history of respiratory problems or asthma, use caution and avoid positions that could lead to increased pressure on the chest.

It may sound strange to think about safety when masturbating, but as the young Swiss man’s incident showed, it can be really dangerous if you are careless. It’s important to take your time, respect your body and watch for warning signs. By following these tips, you can have safe and enjoyable masturbation experiences without hurting yourself or risking serious health problems.

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You may also feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when you masturbate. This is completely normal, as society often maintains a taboo around the topic of masturbation. However, it is important to understand that masturbation is a part of human sexuality and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

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