In sleep: girlfriend cuts off penis and testicles

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
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In sleep: girlfriend cuts off penis and testicles


Young woman mutilates own boyfriend

Penis and testicles cut off

Her own boyfriend sleeps peacefully in the shared bed. Then Brenda B. sneaks into the bedroom, armed with a hedge trimmer. What follows is hardly imaginable and brutally a cruel crime. She has come to cut off her lover’s penis and testicles!

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In sleep: girlfriend cuts off penis and testiclesWas it revenge? Was it vigilante justice?

Being emasculated is every guy’s nightmare par excellence. It is hard to imagine that one’s own friend, a loved one, should be capable of such a monstrous act of blood. The young woman from Argentina castrated her lover. What hellish pain the man had to suffer, you probably can not even begin to imagine. With a hedge trimmer! A device that is normally used to cut and trim hornbeam, hawthorn or thuja. But cut off the penis and testicles with it?! Brutal!

With one cut, the cold-blooded woman is said to have completely severed not only the penis of the 40-year-old, but also her lover’s entire genitals – with just one cut! Her boyfriend is currently in the accident hospital, the man could leave the intensive care unit in the meantime, his condition is stable.

Penis and testicles expertly severed – perpetrator already in custody

In the meantime, the police arrested Brenda B., and the competent judge issued an arrest warrant immediately after her confession, which she made on the spot. Although the woman is neither a surgeon nor a seamstress by profession, she cut off the penis and testicles almost expertly. Luck of the draw for the victim. The man was recovered to some extent, but will have to stay in the hospital for a while.

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The motive is according to investigator circles so far completely unclear. Revenge for infidelity could be one, while other media speak of a kind of self-defense. The perpetrator is said to have been sexually assaulted herself shortly before. The prosecutor in charge cannot verify either version. According to the current state of the investigation, further results will not be available for another week or two. Nevertheless, the man can certainly not forget this act so quickly.

Penis and testicles cut off for revenge

You fall asleep peacefully and think of nothing evil. Suddenly you wake up in great pain and look down at yourself. Then the shock: penis and testicles were cut off and blood gushed out. Such a terrible act occurred a short time ago.

The act is not an isolated case

In fact, this case is not unique. There are always media reports around the world about bloody relationship dramas occurring. For example, there was a similar case in South Korea. Here a woman had also cut off the husband’s penis and testicles. However, she flushed the genitals down the toilet afterwards. This is particularly bad because the body parts are then difficult to find again and there is hardly any possibility of reconstruction. The motive was also relatively unclear in the case of the woman. According to the woman, you had often beaten and ignored her. In addition, he gave her little money for everyday purchases and was almost never at home, but on the golf course.

Another case occurred in India. The perpetrator testified that the man had raped her for years. In revenge, she cut off his penis. The man was a self-proclaimed preacher and kept visiting the Indian family’s home as he offered prayers for the paralyzed father. During the visits, he allegedly repeatedly raped the family’s daughter. One day the woman was so driven by the desire for revenge that she cut off his penis and testicles. The doctors failed to reattach the penis. The man told police that he had castrated himself. Presumably, shame and remorse played a big role here.

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But men can also resort to such acts. Last year, for example, a Vietnamese man found out that his wife was cheating on him. Instead of confronting her or clearing the air, he took action. He caught the two of them having sex in his own house, of all places, and got very angry. He decided to cut off the penis of his wife’s lover. The wife still tried to hold him back, but he cut off his best part with a knife. Whether the penis could be reattached has not been reported.

What moves people to commit such an act?

In principle, it is not possible to make a general statement as to why such acts are committed. However, in most cases it becomes clear that this is not arbitrary. In most cases, the victim has previously caused sexual harm to the perpetrator(s). The harm may be fraud, abuse, rape, or other emotional harm. Of course, this cannot be generalized. However, such a gruesome act of revenge does not happen for the most part without a backstory. Cutting off a man’s penis and testicles requires a great deal of potential violence. Likewise, there are predominantly complex motives behind this, which one cannot understand as an outsider.

According to investigators, thoughts of revenge are largely responsible for such an act. It is actually never about lust or even about an arbitrary mutilation. Often, the perpetrator’s or perpetrators’ ego is offended and some kind of violent outburst occurs after many years. For the public, these cases are always very extreme and are also publicized accordingly by the media. In any case, these acts are heinous and cannot be excused by revenge or other influences.

How is such a thing punished?

The penalty varies greatly in individual cases. First, an attempt is made to find and explain the motive. For example, if years of abuse took place previously, the sentence is usually shorter. However, if the act is done out of pure desire for revenge, for example because one was cheated, the punishment is harsher. It also plays a role whether the act happened in the heat of the moment or was planned long beforehand. If it is even self-defense, the penalty can be quite mild. However, it must also be noted here that in self-defense, you basically act differently and do not remove anyone’s penis and testicles.

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In the case of Brenda B., it was allegedly self-defense. However, this is generally doubted. A motive could not yet be clearly found. According to Brenda B.’s lawyer, she was sexually harassed beforehand and subsequently resorted to extreme means whether to protect herself. Whether this version is true, however, is questionable. Another version of the story says that Brenda B.’s boyfriend was asleep during the crime and only woke up due to the extreme pain. This rules out the possibility that Brenda B. was sexually harassed or coerced shortly before the crime. What is certain, however, is that the victim will not recover from the crime anytime soon, even if the penis and testicles could be reattached.

What happened after the penis and testicles were cut off?

After the crime, the ambulance was called. Fortunately, the severed penis and testicles were still on site. Therefore, the severely injured and traumatized victim could be operated on quickly. The penis and testicles were placed in coolers and transported by paramedics. After that, everything was sewn back on. It is not yet known whether there will be any functional restrictions in the future. However, it is likely that there will also be permanent damage. At the very least, it is certain that there will be many scars, both physical and mental.

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Brenda B. was no longer present when the rescue forces and the police arrived. However, it became clear very quickly that only she could be responsible. The victim had finally recognized and identified her clearly. Shortly, the police picked up the suspect and took her to the police station. Thus, the suspect was already in custody after a short time. Subsequently, a motive was investigated, but this has not yet been clearly determined.

Were there prior signs to the crime?

According to the investigation, there was a list written by Brenda B. beforehand. On the list, she noted things like “scalpel,” “cut him off,” “get his cell phone,” and “get help.” This suggests that she had planned the act and was also prepared to get help. According to her lawyer, however, the whole act was not planned, but merely a prior call for help with sexual abuse. Accordingly, the question remains whether it was self-defense or an act of revenge.

It is certain that this list with the key points were in a notebook of the suspects. This suggests that the act was planned. Therefore, it could possibly have been prevented if someone had been able to see the list. According to the victim’s lawyer, everything was done intentionally. His client could not have done anything and there would not have been any sexual harassment or even rape that evening. Allegedly, the victim had separated from the woman and it was an act of revenge. Only the perpetrator and the victim know whether this is true. What is certain, however, is that the act was cruel and will definitely be punished by the justice system.

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