Bizarre kissing machine: How technology is changing our intimacy

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Bizarre kissing machine: How technology is changing our intimacy
Bizarre kissing machine: How technology is changing our intimacy


Are there limits to this technology?

In this day and age, we are surrounded by technology. We communicate with our friends and families through social media and messenger services, we order food and groceries online, and we find romantic partners through dating apps. But what happens when technology affects our most intimate relationships? A “bizarre kissing machine” now promises to fulfill our needs for intimacy and closeness – but at what cost?

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The “Bizarre Kiss Machine”: A new kind of intimacy?

Bizarre kissing machine: How technology is changing our intimacyA company called LoveSync recently launched an app called “Kissenger.” The concept is simple: the user puts his smartphone into a kind of silicone lip attached to a stem and kisses this lip. At the same time, the partner, who also uses a pillow ger, feels the kissing movements on his lips and can react. The idea is that this way couples can maintain their affection and intimacy even when they are not physically near each other.

At first glance, this may seem like a good idea for some people. Finally, the distance between couples can become very large due to travel, work or other commitments. But this type of technology also raises some questions. Is it really a healthy way to maintain a relationship if you only communicate through a smartphone? What about the physical intimacy that is so important in a relationship?

The impact on our relationships

There are many different opinions on whether pillow ger is a good idea or not. Some people see this as an opportunity to maintain their relationships when they are forced to be apart. Others see it as an unnatural kind of intimacy that replaces physical closeness.

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It is undeniable that physical intimacy plays an important role in relationships. The physical closeness that comes from touching, hugging and kissing helps us connect with our partner and strengthens trust and bonding. When we replace that physical intimacy with an app like Kissenger, we risk losing our ability to connect with our partner.

The potential risks of technology in intimacy

There are also some potential risks associated with using technology like Kissenger. For one thing, technology can cause us to become alienated from our partners if we become too immersed in the virtual world. Second, it can be difficult to meet our needs for physical intimacy when we rely on an app to make us feel connected.

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Another potential danger is that we rely too much on technology to manage our relationships. We need to ask ourselves if we really want to rely on a machine to experience our intimacy, or if we should instead focus on the interpersonal relationships we have.

The limits of technology in intimacy

Ultimately, there are limits to what technology can achieve in intimacy. An app like Kissenger may offer us a certain level of virtual closeness, but it can never replace the feeling of holding another human in our arms. There is something special about the physical connection between two people that technology cannot replace.

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It is important to remember that technology is not always the answer to our problems. When we feel disconnected from our partners, we should strive to find ways to connect without relying on technology. We can make phone calls, video calls, or write letters to show each other we’re thinking about the other.


Technology is undoubtedly impacting our relationships and our ability to connect with each other. It is important to be aware that technology is not always the answer to our problems, especially when it comes to our intimacy. An app like Kissenger may offer us a certain level of virtual closeness, but it can never replace the feeling of holding another human in our arms.

Relationships are about more than virtual connections or exchanging messages. It’s about experiencing real, physical intimacy and creating memories with each other. While technology can help us connect, we should always remember that the best relationships are based on real connections that happen face-to-face.

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