Men don’t have it easy: Typical problems at the porn shooting

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Men don't have it easy: Typical problems at the porn shooting
Men don't have it easy: Typical problems at the porn shooting


What are the problems with the porn shoot?

Many people have certainly heard about it: a porn shoot brings some problems, especially for male performers. Until now, most people thought that the problems were more the people who watch the movies, but wrong, performers can also suffer damage from their jobs. But what are the typical problems in porn shooting? We answer these questions and more.

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Young men in particular are affected

US researcher Justin Dublin found through a survey that one in four porn actresses suffer damage in the form of pain during sex, decreased sex drive or failure to reach orgasm. However, it is particularly interesting that the majority of men have significant problems getting an erection, this also came out in the survey that Dublin sent to thousands of porn actors. He found that many men have male problems when shooting porn and even have to resort to injections or medication to get an erection.

Men don't have it easy: Typical problems at the porn shooting

While men aged 60 and older largely have to resort to these means and aids, in the porn industry it is mainly the younger men who have to. Most of the men who indicated that they used medication for erection were only in their twenties. So the load on the porn set should not be underestimated.

Men have too much pressure when shooting porn

The fact is that even the apparently so popular stars of the erotic industry can have problems with erection during porn shooting. Many performers far too young are already struggling with erectile dysfunction, which means that for a long period of time it is not possible to achieve and, above all, maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. More than 69 percent reported having to resort to pills or injections to maintain an erection because of this.

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42 percent of people said they needed the aids, such as pills or injections, only for the porn shoot. The remaining 58 percent, however, stated that they need them both in front of the camera at the porn shoot and at home and that they have male problems at the porn shoot. Erectile dysfunction can be recurrent. The pressure to perform and the fear of not getting an erection is great. The men have a false image of what they have to perform.

Now if you think that these are they only problems men have when shooting porn, you are wrong. There are a number of other issues and challenges that men in particular face.

Choose the right product

The production assistants have a lot of lubricants on the set. From these, porn performers are free to choose which ones they may use. Sounds good at first glance, however, most product labels are masked with black tape. This means all containers of the lubricants look the same and can therefore be quickly confused.

Men don't have it easy: Typical problems at the porn shooting

No one wants to imagine how painful these problems can be during the porn shoot, when the porn actor spreads disinfectant in the intimate area instead of lubricant. It can also become unpleasant if the porn performer wants to disinfect his hands, but chooses the lubricant.

There are no bad days

Everyone knows it – there are days now and then when everything goes wrong or you have to cope with some setbacks. Again, there are some problems with porn shooting that every porn performer has to hide. For example, if a performer is allergic to a lubricant or a bed sheet, he cannot rest or even go to the doctor. There is an antihistamine, which means a drug, and on it goes. This can also be very uncomfortable because if the rash hurts, the performer just has to put up with it.

Injuries belong to agendas

Who thinks a porn shoot is just having a bit of sex in front of the camera and that’s it is wrong. There are also injuries that can become problems in the porn shoot. Nasty genital burns, which can hurt immensely, are the order of the day here and have to be covered up.

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No matter if man or woman, it’s painful and if you can’t cover something like that without pulling a face, you’d better stay a spectator. Injuries are part of the business.

Silent sex is not uncommon

Due to the strict copyright regulations, the directors of the porn movies cannot take any music for their recordings. Here it is important to compose music yourself or buy the rights to the music. However, this is usually too expensive and that’s why most do without music altogether. When music is omitted, there are other problems with the porn shoot, because the porn actors thus have to have sex in complete silence.

The comfort does not matter

In the porn industry, everyone likes to break taboos. This means that sexual intercourse can also take place on railroad tracks or trees. Here, it doesn’t matter if a passerby walks by and can watch the performers having fun with each other or if it’s particularly comfortable for the performers.

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It also doesn’t matter if the weather conditions are bad, because even that is not a reason for a director to consider this as a problem during the porn shoot and interrupt the shoot because of it. In addition, interwies may occur immediately after sex. No matter how much the porn performer is exhausted or if he is still full of other body fluids. Here the porn actor must go through.

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