Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm
Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm


The frenulum, the frenulum between the foreskin and the glans, is the most erogenous zone of the male. Therefore, this spot is also called F-spot or F-point. Licking the frenulum until orgasm is therefore the most popular sex practice of many. Of course, there are several forms of caressing, but the blowjob has proven itself for this. This horny sucking technique will bring every man to the seventh heaven.

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Stimulate the frenulum during handjob

To spoil the most erogenous zone of the man works of course with appropriate dexterity. When the partner takes charge, it’s best to do so with her thumbs up. Now, while massaging up and down with her hand, she can run her thumbs over this very special spot.

Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm

A delicate touch is required here, because too much pressure can lead to overstimulation. This then very quickly becomes unpleasant for the man. At this point, the use of lubricant is recommended.

Not without reason, the handjob is high in the ranking for the most popular sex practice. But not in the first place. There, how could it be otherwise, is the oral pleasure.

Licking the frenulum until orgasm

By far the most popular sex practice is of course the blowjob. Knowing the exact position of the most erogenous zone gives the lady unimagined possibilities. She can circle his best piece with her tongue and drive him crazy. The sucking reflex used correctly also allows the man to experience the most beautiful feelings.

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Even the teeth can be used when licking the frenulum to orgasm. A tentative nibble can be very stimulating, but should not be overdone. As mentioned, this area is very sensitive and can be easily overstimulated. At this point, it’s simply a matter of trial and error. Permitted is what pleases both. Those who practice together will quickly find the right degree of hardness, and licking the frenulum until orgasm will be a guarantee of success.

In combination: frenulum lick and massage until orgasm

Crafty women combine the two tactics described above. The perfect cooperation of mouth and hand will sooner or later become the most popular sex practice for every recipient. Here the frenulum is nudged with the tongue while the shaft is massaged with the hand. With the interplay of tongue and finger skills, every man is driven to ecstasy. And he will love it.

Licking frenulum as SM game?

If you raise your submissive to be a lick slave and blowjob Barbie, you can include this important point in the training. While the theoretical part of the teaching will be limited, it is mainly the practical part of the dressage that counts. There are no time limits for the duration of the education. It is much more likely that the training is finished when the dominant part is satisfied with the result.

Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm

Up to this point, the candidate has to lick the frenulum until the master orgasms. One day she will be rewarded for her good services and may officially bear the title of a lick slave. For every submissive woman an absolute award, for which the long suffering is worth it. But not only the dominant part has its fun. The slave will find all her breeding as the most popular sex practice.

Of course, it also works the other way around. Even if the thought is absurd at first, that a dominant woman gives a blowjob. Nevertheless, when licking the frenulum, the woman is clearly in a position of power, because she sets the pace. From pleasure torture to orgasm control, everything is possible here. In the context of erotic torture, the nibbling of the frenulum should be mentioned here once again, which can be extremely stimulating depending on the degree of hardness.

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Even the classical dominatrix can assign this task to one of her slaves and supervise them. Every man whose sex partner has stimulated him in this way until just before climax would do anything to be allowed to experience his orgasm. Power-conscious women can use this moment for themselves. Make him beg? extract promises? In this situation, every male slave becomes submissive, which becomes relevant especially in the context of long-term education.

Men are almost unstoppable with gratitude

Many a woman only becomes aware of her power in this position and finds pleasure in it. Dominant veins can be discovered in all kinds of situations. If the lady finds in this way her very personal favorite sex practice, her partner also has something from it. Because she will love what she does and put her heart and soul into it. Such a thing feels every man, who will hardly be stopped with gratitude.

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In both cases, if this way of playing is used more often, a very intimate relationship between the dominant and the submissive part will automatically develop. So it should definitely be included in the game repertoire.

Popular sex practice: licking the frenulum until orgasm

The female inventive spirit seems endless

Apart from the options described above, there are certainly other methods to pamper the man’s most erogenous zone. Licking the frenulum to orgasm can be done in different variations, just as there are different types of blowjobs. Women are downright ingeniously inventive when it comes to such simple things.

Perhaps the most popular sex practice has yet to be invented anyway. If, then certainly from a woman who wants to satisfy her partner in a very special way. Namely frenulum licking until your own orgasm. Can’t? There is no such thing. Finally, the woman still has one hand free.

So why not head towards the peak at the same time? In this way, the man has a wonderfully sharp sight. Provided that he can keep his eyes open at all, while the just gets the orgasm of his life. Here again the inventiveness of the woman is needed. Finally, she can set the pace and also work with pauses. Want a little dirty talk in between?

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Position changes are also not only possible, but more than welcome. There are no limits to creativity. Should the man sit back completely, or actively contribute to the action himself with the 69 position? Anything is possible and is up to the woman, who is simply in charge here.

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