This really goes off on a wild girls night out

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
This really goes off on a wild girls night out!
This really goes off on a wild girls night out


The stark truth about wild girls nights out

For many men, it’s a myth: girls’ night out. A lot of fantasies and imaginations revolve around what the girls do when they are among themselves. But what does such a girls’ night out look like in reality? Is it really an erotic coffee party, where the participants drop all their inhibitions and shells? This article offers the answers.

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What would a real girls’ night out be without conversations about guys?

Topic number one on such evenings is of course, how could it be otherwise, the opposite sex. Whereby it is mainly about the current partners of those present. What techniques do they master when kissing? What are the flirting strategies? What are the preferences in sex? Which inclinations are they allowed to live out and which are not? Which of them is particularly good at licking or grabbing? Depending on the mood at the girls’ night out, corresponding scenes are played right away. Participation is expressly permitted here. Why even describe a kiss awkwardly with words, if you can simply push his neighbor’s tongue in the mouth? After all, what would an erotic ladies’ circle be without visual material?

This really goes off on a wild girls night out

Once the current partners and their preferences have been discussed in detail, the next step is to look at the desired partners. Dreaming is allowed here. Names like Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Johnny Depp are almost always mentioned. Of course, each of the ladies present has fantasies with these male leads. These erotic daydreams are now discussed in great detail. Once arrested by Johnny in police uniform and then interrogated at Jumpstreet. Or go vampire hunting with George first and get staked by him afterwards. The very brave start their own personal Fight Club with BradPitt. Or another club that starts with F.
The topic of men is very rich and takes up a large part of the evening. Most of the time, the first few hours have already passed before we move on to the next topic.

Topic number two: sex toys

Every Ladynight is at some point thematically about sex toys. Whereby the ladies present not only reveal which toy they call their own. They also confess what they would like to try. Suddenly, there is no longer any talk of a harmless dildo. Handcuffs, whip, cane and gag still belong to the harmless things. It is not uncommon for the invited guests to have their toys ready to hand in their handbags. After all, they knew in advance that this topic would come up. If you are invited to a girls’ night out, you will naturally appear prepared. Of course, the souvenirs are brought out at the appropriate hour, described and sometimes demonstrated.

Xisca at the women's night

The hostess has provided sufficient soap and disinfectant in advance. Because the girls are naturally curious and want to try out unknown toys for themselves. Therefore, the possibility of cleaning the toys at any time is provided. Some sex toys make it up to ten users in a single evening.

Lets Play

The biggest part of a girls’ night out is taken up by games. The classic here is definitely the good old “truth or dare” game. This has not changed since puberty. Even though the focus is naturally on the embarrassing and intimate questions, the tasks are also quite challenging. The participants are very creative. The girls have to strip, fake an orgasm or try out sex toys in front of everyone.

This really goes off on a wild girls night out

But there are also nastier tasks. Calling someone and persuading them to have spontaneous phone sex, for example. It goes without saying that the called party is put on speakerphone. The first, undisputed highlight of the girls’ night out is when the man comes over the loudspeaker turned up full blast. This is then also gladly honored by the ladies present with applause.

Another popular task is to make one of the girls a hooker. Dressed up in forbidden sexy clothes, the lady has to walk up and down a certain part of the street for a given amount of time. The more sexual offers she gets, the bigger the applause afterwards. Only those bids that do not fall below a predefined minimum value count.

Xisca at the women's night

Fucking for ten euros is just not. Depending on the mood and alcohol consumption during the girls’ night out, it happens that several ladies volunteer for this task. What began as a test of courage thus becomes a competition of the erotic kind. Whoever is offered the most money wins.

Every girls night out is an experience in itself

So an erotic coffee party turns into a hot girls’ night out of the ordinary. An erotic women’s circle of participants provided. But there will hardly be a lack of that. Finally, the character of these evenings is that the male partners are not present. The girls feel unobserved and are finally allowed to act out without shyness. Quite a few discover their bisexual inclinations on these occasions. How could you blame them?

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The mood is good, the guests are hot and the sex toys are ready to hand. When is there ever an erotic ladies circle to choose from? Exactly. Logically, many of the participants become virtually addicted to these events. Girls’ night out after girls’ night out is canvassed, in search of sexual fulfillment and the ultimate kick.

Happy ending

Even an erotic coffee party comes to an end at some point. Of course, not without a climax. The girls have spent a whole evening with horny topics of conversation, the brought toys and kinky games. Understandably, the ladies are now more than fuzzy and not averse to erotic shenanigans. Now it comes to the most amazing combinations. While twosomes, threesomes or foursomes would still be considered normal, sometimes the whole horde falls over each other. Group Sex Totals.

Depending on the size of the party, up to twenty girls drop all their clothes at the same time. In this way, the girls’ night out mutates into a sex orgy. Girls know what girls really want. Therefore, they can also bring each other to orgasm better than most men can. Especially if during the orgy the woman lets herself be satisfied by several girlfriends at the same time. Women have many erogenous zones that can all be caressed at the same time with the tongues of the other participants at such parties. Of course, women also know exactly where their G-spot is and can combine this knowledge with their finger skills. Women instinctively sense where their friends want to be grabbed tighter and shamelessly use this knowledge for themselves.

Xisca at the women's night

The goal of this orgy is not only your own orgasm. The point is to satisfy as many girlfriends as possible. And as often as possible. Of course, the girls count and not infrequently come up with double-digit results. Anyone who has ever boasted to their girlfriend that they could come twice in a row has certainly wondered about the tired smile in response. Who has read this text now knows why the woman reacts like this.

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