Sex Mistakes: 5 Signs You’re in the Wrong Position

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Sex Mistakes: 5 Signs You're in the Wrong Position
Sex Mistakes: 5 Signs You're in the Wrong Position


Are there actually sex mistakes or the wrong position?

Is it really possible to make sex mistakes, for example, the wrong position? In short, yes, it is indeed. There are several reasons for this. A first indication of sex errors is pain. Something then seems to be very wrong. Now we take care of the reasons that are responsible for this.

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What could possibly go wrong during sex?

When it comes to sex, things don’t always go smoothly. Everyone probably knows this. It has happened to everyone that an erotic tryst did not go as planned. This can be seen, for example, in sudden pain. Does something eh during sex, then maybe it’s the wrong position. The individual anatomy plays a role. But there are more sex mistakes couples need to weed out. Provided they care about having fun. But that’s probably the case with all lovers.

Sex Mistakes: 5 Signs You're in the Wrong Position

Again, back to pain during sex. A bad sex mistake. As I said, this is due to the wrong position. As soon as pain sets in, action is called for. The couple must find another position and give up the old position if sex is to be fun in the future. The good thing is that there is an almost infinite number of positions, so no one has to give up the pleasure in bed. As soon as pain occurs, the arms fall asleep or the back pinches, it is said: Avoid this sex mistake and perhaps rest a little.

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Once the wrong position has been found, you can move on to the new, better one. It does not always have to be the missionary position. Bringing a breath of fresh air into bed also revives the relationship.

Another sex mistake – uncomfortable position

It’s not exactly a pleasure to have sex in an uncomfortable position. There are all sorts of reasons for this. Crumbs in the bed that prick the skin, too little space and a lot more can spoil the pleasure of sex. Here applies: Only speaking people are helped! So just let us know and change the wrong position. Then it quickly becomes more comfortable and this sex mistake is history. So it’s fun again and the desire flares up once more.

Sex Mistakes: 5 Signs You're in the Wrong Position

Or boredom spreads in the bed. This is quite bad. Couples who are bored should change positions immediately. Possibly both of them together think about how this sex mistake happened and together find an exciting, new position that is suitable for both of them.

Other mistakes that can happen in bed

Many women and men know this. Sex is actually hot, but the thoughts around the effect of one’s appearance just won’t go away. Since we are usually completely naked during sex, but now there are some positions in which women, but also men can look unflattering. This sex mistake must also be eliminated. Only those who feel absolutely comfortable during sex and let themselves go, have pleasure in it. Such positions must be avoided. So both have more fun again and can banish the annoying thoughts about the appearance.

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It’s terrible when the orgasm during sex just won’t happen or takes a long time. After all, we all want to experience it. He is something like the crowning glory of lust. If one of the two realizes that he simply does not want to show himself in a certain position, he must say so. In sex, not only the way is the goal, because the orgasm is something like the reward for it. Of importance is that couples can talk about everything. This leads us to the next two mistakes that happen during sex.

Wrong position and then what?

When it comes to sex, dissatisfaction can set in. The wrong thing to do then is not to talk about it. Both partners need to talk about their wishes. The other person can’t know that and won’t notice if no one says anything. However, this message should not be conveyed reproachfully. Honesty is important, however, if both want to get their money’s worth. Openness is important here.

However, the opposite can also occur, namely when one of the two talks too much. Needs must be heard, yes. But talking incessantly during sex turns you off. To prevent this from happening, the couple can practice nonverbal communication and simply show which areas are particularly sensitive to touch. Even more so, both should not talk about trivial banalities during sex, for example, about the next purchase.

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