Government has all porn deleted within 24 hours!

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Government has all porn deleted within 24 hours!
Government has all porn deleted within 24 hours!


Is Nigeria crazy or are they pioneers?

If one thinks of Nigeria and of a connection with sex, then this mixture is mostly negative. Now, however, the very country that many Europeans don’t have the very best opinion of when it comes to paid sex is shocking us with a message: “We’re shutting down all porn!” But, does Nigeria really want to delete porn?

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Porn is not all the same

Government has all porn deleted within 24 hours!What is really meant here is all porn that has one thing: a bad interaction with each other or even in relation to individuals during the little films and clips. Nigeria does not want to show itself as prudish or uptight, but for the first time addresses something that supposedly never seems to have played a role: human rights and thus human dignity in films with pornographic acts. In the process, this African country is triggering a discussion far beyond its own borders.

Nigeria has made it a goal to crack down on anti-human pornographic flicks, not only those that feature Nigerian actors and actresses, but also those that have found a new home in Nigeria. The country also wants more insight into the profession. For example, any platform that has over 100,000 users in Nigeria should actually have contacts.

For this purpose, these platforms (e.g. Pornhub, xhamster or Pornogeil) are to provide a contact person in an office in Nigeria, who will be the point of contact, both for performers and customers. This is a viewpoint that supposedly more civilized countries like the European ones around France, Germany and the like could take a leaf out of their book. Delete porn if you don’t like it and it violates the law!

Does it work to delete porn?

Yes, and whether it works. All services were suspended in Nigeria within 24 hours. Now it’s the producers’ and platforms’ turn to change this state of affairs again. In the process, films and clips that are incompatible with human rights and also religious beliefs must be removed. Then those that are compliant with the rules may be sent again. Likewise, user interactions on the respective platforms should be better regulated, so that Nigeria’s citizens are better protected and protected from attacks.

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In this context, deleting porn may be a tool that many do not understand. However, Nigeria has been experiencing a sad trend for years and decades. According to statistics and records by police and investigative agencies, it is clear that about one-third of all women have experienced sexual violence before the age of 25. Whether in marriage, in a relationship, or even through friends, family, and strangers.

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The Nigerian government wants to buck this trend and permanently enforce rights for men and women – including deleting porn that reflects the very content that should no longer be shown, in order to protect people of all genders and prevent perpetrators from committing acts in the first place.

Is there a chance for porn from Nigeria?

The Nigerian porn industry needs to rethink if the government is going to stick to its ironclad course and not only have porn deleted that doesn’t fall within current law, but demand much more. From paying taxes, complying with applicable laws and directives, and also providing information about users should they be accessed or also need to be accessed for law enforcement.

Porn films can be lustful and sensual, otherwise they wouldn’t be porn films anymore. Nevertheless, the government is attacking exactly where it suspects the germ of the sorry trend to be, and time will tell if this “censorship” will make the trend evaporate. It would be desirable for all women, men and children to become neither perpetrators nor victims of sexual violence. A violence that affects people emphatically and probably does not let go for a lifetime.

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It is not only the attacks of Boko Haram that are to be diminished in this way, but more generally the idea that sexual violence can be a means of satisfying needs, even far from sex. It is to be hoped that this project will work out and perhaps Nigeria can set a milestone here and be a pioneer for a different way of thinking. A thinking where everything is allowed in sexual play as long as it pleases all sides. But really all.

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