Why does a French accent sound so erotic to women?

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Why does a French accent sound so erotic to women?
Why does a French accent sound so erotic to women?


French accent for women

In 1974, the American singer Patti LaBelle sang in French: “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir” (Would you like to sleep with me tonight?). This saying is universally known, because the French accent is “the sexiest in the world”. I also love the French accent. Especially a French accent in women is very hot. Why? You can find out here.

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The sexiest accent in the world – that’s why we love it

Take a test. Ask a non-French person what they can say in French. If he responds with “Voulez-vous couchez avecmoi,” you now know for sure that French is probably the sexiest language in the world. A French accent in women is right up there with men. This has now also been scientifically confirmed. Did you know that a French accent was voted the sexiest accent in the world among women in 2017 – for the second year in a row?

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The website Babbel, a company that specializes in learning languages through apps, conducted a survey and published these results. The result is clear: a French accent wins hands down with women. The rest of the podium is occupied by the Italian, who takes second place, and the Spaniard, who takes third. Polish, Turkish, and Danish accents are considered “less sexy.”

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But Germans didn’t fare well either: our language is the least sexy in the world, along with Chinese and Russian. Does it have something to do with the difficulty, or rather the prejudice about their emotional coldness? In the same way, one could say that other non-linguistic elements are involved in the choice of languages of seduction, such as the stereotypes formed around Mediterranean nationalities. We instinctively associate the French with a romantic image, Italians are all experts at seduction, and Spaniards are brimming with passion. But: why is a French accent so popular with women around the world?

A melodious language

French is a very melodious language for us foreigners. Especially a French accent on women sounds very nice. Nasal consonances like “en” or “in” sound like a sweet melody to the ears of us foreigners. The same applies to the famous French “R”. Paris is the city of love. That may no longer be literally true, but it is certainly true in the minds of millions of people around the world. What’s really confusing is why spoken French is pretty much considered the sexiest language ever.

However, a French accent in women is also so attractive because the language itself is very melodic. Since a French accent is so attractive to women, I really wanted to meet a French woman. I could have listened to her for hours. Because even if you don’t speak a word of French, everything sounds very harmonious and beautiful. A French accent on women is exactly what a man wants to hear when he’s in bed. Because it evokes beauty and grace and, of course, passion.

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It’s no secret that a French accent in women also stimulates lust in men. And with my 34 years I can say that I have experienced quite a bit sexually. The sex with my French girlfriend was something very special. Not only the accent makes itself special during foreplay, but also the whole aura that the Frenchwoman radiates. With her, sex was pure sensuality.

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French accent in women: the voice color

French automatically brings out a husky voice in men and a breathy voice in women, which everyone finds attractive. There are several studies that show that women find men with husky voices attractive, as they prefer the voice of a seemingly tall but non-aggressive person. Similarly, men prefer women whose voices sound breathy and not too high-pitched. I am definitely one of those men.

Because after I met my French girlfriend, I couldn’t imagine dating a German. Most common words and syllables in French automatically produce these features. That’s why a French accent is so attractive to women. Also: vowels in French automatically lead to round lips and accentuated cheekbones. I found that very interesting and did a little more research. In fact, the mouth movement in French has a decisive influence on how attractive we find this language.

The French word une is actually pronounced like eee, but with rounded lips. This face, in its most basic sense, evokes images of kissing. I think it has a lot to do with the lip pose that French creates, almost always in the form of a kiss, a gesture that offers glamour and “sex appeal.” If it weren’t for that, no one would be making pouty faces on selfies, that’s for sure. So, a French accent on women is so erotic not only because of its melody. Sexual desire is also aroused by the facial movements that a French accent triggers in women.

A touch of romance in the background

Since Paris is the capital, foreigners make a generalization for all French people. The romantic side of Paris and the image of the passionate Frenchman make the language and accent sexy and sensual. Besides, French is a very rich language. For foreigners, the beauty of Molière’s language is also due to the fact that the French can express their feelings without difficulty, with a lot of details, with a very great precision. For all these reasons, French is revered abroad.

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Up to 53% of Germans admit that they succumb to the sharp cadence of words and their syllabic subtlety. The survey conducted by Babbel shows us that French is the most erotic language. Although love and sex go beyond words, it seems that their sonority eroticizes us to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the language of the person presenting them to us. So a French accent in women also awakens in us the need for love and security.

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