Frequent masturbation = limited ability to orgasm?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Frequent masturbation = limited ability to orgasm?
Frequent masturbation = limited ability to orgasm?


Does frequent masturbation equal little satisfaction?

Consuming porn is part of many men’s sex lives. Although women do not use this medium as often, there are more and more women who occasionally watch a hot movie alone or more often together with their partner. In most cases, they satisfy themselves in the process. Frequent masturbation, however, does not lead to increased pleasure or even limited orgasm. The opposite is true. The men experience little satisfaction in the process. Frequent masturbation leads men (and women) to want more and more. Today, anyone can consume porn and watch harder and harder movies.

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Frequent masturbation = limited ability to orgasm?Reduced orgasm due to sensory overload

Sex and watching porn releases the happy hormone dopamine. As a result, the consumer experiences a temporary feeling of euphoria. Through frequent masturbation, this reward system of the body no longer responds optimally and the consumer needs more porn. During normal intercourse man and woman quickly reach their limits. You can try new positions (for example, the Budapest leg scissors) or go to a sex club.

Through frequent masturbation, combined with the consumption of porn, the man can seek stronger and stronger stimuli. They are only a mouse click away. Each porn channel has many different sections. If you start with normal sex, you will quickly move on to more and more unusual positions. Here the limit is reached only after some time. Most of the time, the user is already on the road to porn addiction.

Frequent masturbation makes you suffer from orgasm during sex

Sensory overload is detrimental to sex life. The appeal of porn is stronger than your own wife in bed. It seems less appealing and exciting. If you want more and more satisfaction, you will also seek it in bed with your wife or girlfriend. However, porn is artificial and has little to do with reality. Many women don’t feel like fellatio, and after a hard day’s work, they don’t feel like changing positions frequently. So the man in bed does not get what he wants. So frequent masturbation is very detrimental to love life. This often manifests itself in erection problems. Many men do not reach orgasm without proper stimulation. The naked woman in his bed is not nearly enough for that.

Take a porn break and focus on love

Frequent masturbation is not a bad thing. However, if the man experiences little satisfaction, he should put a stop to it. Not only does masturbation result in the aforementioned limited ability to orgasm, it also leads to decreased social behavior. Masturbation is an important part of sexuality, but it is important to remember that there are other sides to love.

Through frequent masturbation men often forget to flirt and approach a woman. They think they can do without physical love because they have their porn videos. Unfortunately, in most cases, it’s a poor substitute. A hot porn video and frequent masturbation is no substitute for a love life.
If you want to break this vicious circle, you should focus more on love again. This is perhaps the biggest downside to porn consumption. Not only does it lead to a decreased ability to orgasm during sex, but it also leads to a distorted idea of physical love. Many young men take their cue from the porn stars. They believe that a woman can only reach orgasm by frequently changing positions. They do not notice that these positions do not lead to sexual climax. Anyone who has ever experienced a real woman’s orgasm knows that it doesn’t matter in a porn movie.

Young amateur girls having sex.

Through frequent masturbation, the porn consumer forgets to focus on the really important things. No porn movie and no masturbation is as beautiful as good sex with a loved one.

Rediscover love

But what can men or couples do now, for whom frequent masturbation and porn consumption has led to a significant deterioration of sexual life. Changing partners is probably the worst possible method. With the new partner, the cycle only begins again. It is better to have a frank conversation first. Often the partner does not know about the porn consumption and the frequent masturbation has not yet been noticed by her. Many men shy away from this conversation out of shame, but for a first step it is inevitable. Now the woman knows why the man experiences little satisfaction during sex.

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The next step is to draw up a joint plan. To do this, the man must reduce frequent masturbation. It is helpful for a limited orgasmic ability to reorganize your sex life. Many men take refuge in frequent masturbation because love life is boring. That doesn’t mean that your sex life has to resemble a porn movie now. There are certainly ways to make your love life more exciting through role play, sex toys, and new sexual positions.

If efforts do not lead to success, going to a good sex therapist can be helpful.

Maintaining the ability to orgasm during sex

Those who have damaged their love life through excessive porn consumption and frequent masturbation should react as soon as possible. This vicious circle is not only harmful for the sex life, but for the entire social behavior. Men see women only as objects of their desire and are hardly capable of leading a normal love and sex life. The first and most important step is to recognize his misconduct. Occasional porn use and moderate masturbation is normal. It is not normal to prefer masturbation to hot sex with your partner.

When a hangover befalls a man in his prime because he masturbates too much, reducing his ability to orgasm, he can often only remedy the situation by taking potency-enhancing drugs.

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