Die 12 krassesten Fetische – eklig und pervers

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
The 12 most blatant fetishes - disgusting and perverted
Die 12 krassesten Fetische - eklig und pervers


When disgust and perversion go hand in hand

Abnormal preferences and unusual fantasies

A fetish is a preference for an object or body part. Without this, some people find it difficult or impossible to become hot or perform sexual acts. There’s nothing to it. Everybody has heard of varnish, rubber or wind fetish. But these most blatant fetishes shake even the most hardened lovers of the extreme.

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Die 12 krassesten Fetische - eklig und pervers1. saliromania

The most blatant fetishes are found in the lust for dirt. The smearing of objects or people with mud or food is the more moderate form. When playing game with blood, urine or faeces, the stomach of some people already turns over. But what happens when the most blatant fetishes revolve around the consumption of these things. The enjoyment of caviar or sparkling wine is already a challenge. It is the defiling instinct that excites the inclined fetishist. The best known is sperm defilement as in buccake.

2. tampon fetish

Ever drunk a tea from used tampons? That’s what you do when you have a tampon fetish. Bandages full of blood and menstrual blood – heaven on earth! Or is it?

3. looners fetish

One of the more fun fetishes is sex with balloons. The squeaking of the rubber and the danger that the balloon can burst at any time. And then the redemptive bang. Wonderful!

4. formicophilia

Formicophilia is one of the most blatant fetishes. Here the arousal occurs when insects crawl over the skin or in the best case over the genitals. Some people also like the discomfort this causes in others.

5. clismaphily

This is one of the most blatant fetishes around the anus. Here the main focus is on fluids that are introduced into or leak out of the anus. There are the preferences of the person to be introduced or the person who introduces the liquid. Or simply by watching when sperm or any other liquid seeps out again. A special form here is the introduction of alcohol into the anus. Get drunk without the danger of vomiting.

6. emetophilia

Speaking of vomiting. Emetophilia is the lust for vomit, also called with or vomiting. What a wide choice the lover has. Whether burger, 4-star gourmet meal or salad bar. Here you can play with consistencies and digestion times. For example, do you know the Roman shower?

These 12 fetishes are also interesting:

7. oculolinctus

This is one of the most blatant fetishes that revolves around the eye. Ever licked an eyeball? Ever suck a pupil? That something like this can make you hot is almost absurd.

8. plushophilia

There, plushophilia is almost innocent against the other most blatant fetishes. Here one feels attracted only to stuffed animals. Ok, what you do with these cuddly toys is a different story and you might not want to know.

Die 12 krassesten Fetische - eklig und pervers9. dacryphilism

Ever wondered why your partner always picks a fight and provokes tears? Then it is perhaps one of the most blatant fetishes called dacryphilism. Getting hot when the other guy cries…

10. toenail fetish

Foot fetish doesn’t lure anybody out from behind the stove anymore. But one of the most blatant fetishes is certainly the toenail fetish. The preference is not about one’s own toenails, but about the cut toenails of another person. If these are then still taken in the mouth, nothing more stands in the way of sexual ecstasy.

11. nasolingus

This is also about food, but fortunately only products from our own cultivation. Surely a popular fetish can refer to it just like a wine lover, that you can recognize the origin by the colour and the taste.

12. eproctophilia

To call this fart fetish one of the most blatant fetishes, is then almost blown away by the wind… it’s just a sexual preference for smelling intestinal wind. At last, uninhibited farting in bed. Haven’t we all wished we could just fart on our partner?

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