Love and Coronavirus – how does that currently fit together?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Love and coronavirus - how does that currently fit together?
Love and Coronavirus - how does that currently fit together?


Love with obstacles – Wedding & Co. in the times of Corona

What sounds like a daily soap is currently a bitter truth for many couples: The Corona Virus unfortunately paralyses everything in almost all cities and countries and prevents love from flourishing. Right now, when it’s getting wonderful outside, the first sunrays are coming out again, when birds are chirping again and here and there a little knob is pushing itself out of the ground. Hard to deal with it properly. Right?

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Das Dating 3.0 – Die Zukunft des Dating

Love and Coronavirus - how does that currently fit together?Love and Corona – a hurdle for lovers

Couples who do not live together are allowed to see each other. So the government announced. At least that! But for many, this is not enough. In spring many couples want to say yes to each other and celebrate their marriage with all their loved ones. What we thought to be completely normal, what we grew up with and what belongs to every spring so to speak, is simply no longer possible in the times of Covid-19. Everyone has to limit himself at the moment, it affects the most personal areas of life.

Love and Coronavirus? So how’s this gonna work? Break up the wedding? Call off the wedding? All the efforts of the past months simply for nothing? Even simple dates can be difficult, people are worried and afraid of the danger of infection.

One virus for all cases

How about bringing love and Corona together? Wouldn’t bury your head in the sand, but give love and corona virus a chance and see the test that would be put to you directly once as a challenge for a strong relationship? Because, as is well known, special times require special measures.

» Das ist schlimmer als der Virus

There is no need to separate love and corona virus, this virus makes lovers even stronger – if they understand the challenge, accept it and learn to deal with it properly. Or simply beget a Corona baby in these hard times. At present it is completely unclear when it is allowed to marry again properly, when registry offices may reopen and crowds of people may again comprise more than two persons.

Love and Coronavirus – how it works

If you would like to marry during these times, you can create a chat or a livestream, for example. Special providers ensure that the wedding will be unique and feasible for all important people – even for the grandmother on Mallorca or Hawaii. If you feel alone, but still don’t see love and Covid-19 as opposites, but are looking for a long-term solution against loneliness, Internet platforms currently offers the best possibilities.

Because at the moment, even those who you don’t usually meet there during the year, such as busy businessmen and women who travel a lot, interesting conversational partners who lead exciting lives, and so on, are also cavorting there.

Those who long for physical closeness should also not see love and the coronavirus as contrasts, because here too there are ways and means to discover new forms of love, for example through online seminars on Tantra or audio books, etc.

» Diese Frau trotzt Corona

Love and Coronavirus, they are not “enemies”. If you don’t have any new ideas now at the latest, you can’t blame it on the currently rampant virus. So let’s go down new paths!

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