Work Naked Day – today is naked work day!

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Work Naked Day - today is naked work day!
Work Naked Day - today is naked work day!

Today is Work Naked Day!

Work Naked Day was initially celebrated annually on February 1 until 2014. Since the following year, the day is always celebrated on the first Friday in February. Working Naked Day was created by Lisa Kanarek. She created this tag and indeed a brand called Working Naked.

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Lisa Kanarek left her corporate job more than 20 years ago to work from home. This was a far cry from the normalized work routine we have today. Lisa Kanarek says that for the first five years, she didn’t even disclose that she worked from home for fear of not being taken seriously.

Work Naked Day - today is naked work day!Nude work day – What is it?

But what exactly is Work Naked Day? It’s a day to celebrate the freedom and flexibility that working from home gives you. Tired of the stressful commute? How about the daily walk from the coffee pot in the kitchen to the office? Want to trade in your suits for some bunny slippers and nothing else? Well, then this day could be just the thing for you!

Lisa Kanarek points out that working naked means different things to different people. Now it’s more than just how you dress before you go to work. For some, the idea of working from home leaves them literally “naked.”

No boss or colleagues to help when things go wrong. Sure, you might be able to track them down by phone, but sometimes just knowing they’re a few steps away helps.

These girls are always naked

So for Kanarek, “working naked” has two meanings: Working in pajamas, underwear, completely naked, or any other clothing that would be inappropriate for a normal office job. But Work Naked Day also symbolizes working from home without corporate, administrative or technology support.

Celebrate Work Naked Day

COVID-19 has forced changes around the world. More than 10 million Germans who did not normally work from home began to do so – in the home office – in response to the pandemic. The question now is: How many of those who work from home will celebrate Naked Work Day on February 5?

According to the experience of many workers who have worked from home for months, some of them said after returning to work that this was the first time they had worked only in their underwear or even completely naked!

Work Naked Day – a philosophy

But Lisa goes much further with her creation of Working Naked Day, not limiting it to the question of clothing or lack thereof. Rather, it creates its own philosophy of life, which has already found enthusiastic followers. After all, in addition to working freely, the home working atmosphere is also of great importance.

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Work Naked Day – the ideal workplace: if you want to take advantage of all the great benefits of working from home, you should first take a look at your workspace: Do you need to improve anything in it? Take some time to plan this out. Fresh paint, a new chair or even a plant or two can freshen up your workspace and make it look inviting.

The result can be seen in increased creativity or productivity. Another thing you can do is research new technologies you may not be familiar with for the home office. It takes courage to work from home and courage to try new things. Get both and you’ll find that working from home will be much easier.

When you make the decision to work from home, it’s normal to want to hide a little. Therefore, fill your walls with diplomas, accreditations or other certifications you have earned. Let your customers, bosses or co-workers be proud of your decision. And in the end, you’ll find a new way of working that fills your life and makes you even more productive.

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