That’s why you should go to porn casting as a woman!

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Porn casting as a woman – a good idea!

Regardless of whether you are a “normal” interested party who would like to get a taste of the porn industry or are already a camgirl or amateur and are fed up with unreliable men on user shoots – at our castings we offer you the opportunity (free of charge) to make our applicants your shooting partners on an already finished set.

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As a rule, 40 to 60 men come to our porn castings, from which you can choose your filming partner and produce with him immediately on location. We organize our castings four times a year and in perfectly suitable locations for your shoot. We have plenty of men and space!

And what do you get out of it?

If you are just starting out in the industry and want to become a porn actress, you are just as welcome as a live cam or amateur girl who wants to broaden her horizons. We have been on the market since 2006 and can therefore offer you a number of advantages without you having to sign a management contract or commit to us in any other way.

There are some pretty cool opportunities for you in the international erotic business:

➤ Shooting with Hollywood porn star Texas Patti
➤ Mediation to partner companies (who produce at home and abroad)
Invitation to Hollywood (Los Angeles) for a production
➤ Reliable actors on location with whom filming can begin immediately
➤ Use of the content for your own (also commercial) purposes
➤ Increase your level of awareness through our ongoing advertising
Linking your profile in announcements, mailings and newsletters
➤ Use of an international network and contacts
➤ Benefit from many years of experience in the erotic industry (since 2006)
➤ Increase your reach via press reports (BILD, RTL, ZDF, etc.)

The next dates:

April 27, 2024 in Munich
July 20, 2024 in Hanover
October 23 in Berlin
December 28 in Menden (NRW)

How can you be there?

It’s simple: Write to us via our contact form(link here), select the subject ” Zum Casting kommen” and send us your message. We will contact you immediately to discuss further details.

We look forward to seeing you!

You are a man and would like to come to the casting?

That’s no problem at all! You can access our application form directly here. Simply fill it out and we will be happy to invite you to our erotic casting.

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