Sharp erotic satire – Is erotic satire really allowed to do anything?

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Sharp erotic satire - Is erotic satire really allowed to do anything?
Sharp erotic satire - Is erotic satire really allowed to do anything?


How far can an erotic satire go?

A satire does not only want to entertain, but also to open the eyes. To achieve this, sometimes characteristics and developments are exaggerated. Not infrequently, people feel attacked by this and sometimes a case even ends up in court. At first, an erotic satire works no differently than a normal satire or comedy.

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The only difference is that an erotic satire touches a very sensitive area of the human being and people can be very sensitive to certain topics. The only question is: Is satire allowed to touch on all subjects in the erotic sphere, or are there areas that are taboo? The following article attempts to answer this question.

Erotic satire as an eye opener

One encounters satire as a video, in drawings, as a joke or on stage. It is not always called that, but erotic themes often play a role. Be it the partner who cheats, the man who fails in bed or the partner who works as a prostitute on the side. The topics are as diverse as the eroticism. Satire should open the eyes of the viewer, the listener.

Sharp erotic satire - Is erotic satire really allowed to do anything?

It’s about breaking down certain behaviors and coming to a new way of looking at things. This is not always pleasant and can be quite embarrassing for some. This is important and right. Only when the consumer is emotionally touched by the erotic satire is change possible. Then the process of reflection begins and perhaps his behavior changes. Such satire has its justification and should be encouraged, even in the erotic sphere.

Limits of erotic satire

Of course, even with this kind of satire there are limits that can be approached, but which should not be crossed if possible. Topics such as sexual abuse, especially of children but also of adults, should be treated with caution. These problems are important, but the question arises whether an erotic satire is the right form of expression.

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A satire should also entertain the viewer and put a smile on his face, and some topics are simply too serious for that. There it is better to treat them in another form. Certain historical facts, such as the Third Reich, should also only be made the subject of erotic satire with caution. These topics are borderline, but usually not punishable.

Can erotic satire be punishable?

Under certain conditions, erotic satire may also be punishable. This is always the case when a person is directly attacked and insulted. If the human dignity of the person being attacked is violated, the satirist quickly ends up in court. In principle, satire must always correspond to the facts and convey a message: Anyone who merely exposes a person to ridicule and does not convey a message may be liable to prosecution.

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The boundaries of freedom of expression are often fluid. The satirist must make sure that his text, his film is recognizable as satire. For example, anyone who expresses the opinion that women like to be beaten and does not make this clearly recognizable as satire is open to legal attack. Germany is a free state governed by the rule of law, in which freedom of expression is a valuable asset. Many things are allowed that are forbidden in other countries, but everyone should make sure that the erotic satire always corresponds to the facts and conveys an important message.

Proper handling of erotic satire

Those who dislike eroticism in literature, film and art usually avoid satirical depictions of erotic themes on their own initiative. This cannot always be avoided, however, because we also encounter satire in works of art and scenic representations that are not directly labeled as satire. If you feel uncomfortable with a statement, you should always ask yourself why.

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It often touches on an area of one’s life that one would rather block out. Perhaps it is the fear of one’s own sexuality, the fear that the partner could cheat. If satire succeeds in making the viewer think about a subject, it has achieved its goal. Erotic satire can definitely go that far, maybe even a bit further.

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Anyone who is personally attacked by a satirical portrayal and this does not correspond to the facts can of course defend themselves against it. This applies to private individuals as well as to public figures, although the latitude of the satirist is greater in the case of the latter. Anyone who is an athlete, politician or television presenter must expect to be the target of satire.


Satire is and should be unpleasant and touch people. If it only makes you laugh, it has missed its target. Some people feel uncomfortable with satire, especially when it touches on erotic and sexual topics. However, this is not yet a limit, but the task of an erotic satire. But if someone is personally attacked and insulted, you do not have to put up with it, especially if it is not true.

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Another area would be the provocative presentation of facts that is not recognizable as satire. This can and must be resisted. Satire is also rightly protected by freedom of expression, which is why the limits of satire are very broad.

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