Sex on the train: Erotic travel by train

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Sex on the train: Erotic travel by train
Sex on the train: Erotic travel by train

Sex on the train – the dream of many couples

A threesome, sex on the beach or on the hood of a car: all these are common fantasies of many men and women. But what about sex on the train? In fact, many couples dream of erotic travel. But for an erotic travel some things should be considered.

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Sex on the train: Erotic travel by train

The most common recurring sexual fantasies are sex in a car or in an elevator. But now it’s about a very specific sexual fantasy: sex on the train. This erotic display combines several sexual fantasies in one. On the one hand, there is the incentive to have sex in public and on the other hand, it is an erotic fantasy in which you can use several sexual positions for an erotic journey.

Dreams can come true

In the world of er otica, there are no limits to erotic fantasies, so why not have sex on the train? Almost everyone has erotic dreams or sexual thoughts. Because honestly, who hasn’t had an erotic thought on the train? The vast majority of people have erotic fantasies or sexual thoughts, but it is still quite common for us to feel ashamed or guilty about letting our wishful thinking run wild in a sexual way. Having erotic fantasies does not mean that you are dissatisfied with your sexual relationship. On the contrary, relationships can even improve, and as a couple you will only have hotter encounters with each other more often.

Erotic travel as an incentive

One of the most recurring erotic fantasies is to have sex on a public transportation. Be it a brief encounter on the bus, on the plane or sex on the train. This does not mean that all sex fantasies should be put into practice, as some of them might be dangerous or simply uncomfortable.

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But erotic fantasies are about rekindling the flame of passion and letting go. However, if you want to experience the adrenaline rush of being spotted on a rail rendezvous, you should pay close attention.

Opportunities For Good Sex On The Train

The first thing to do is to find out if sex in public places is punishable in your own country. It can be quite expensive in some parts of the world, including Germany. For example, if you want to go on a swinger holiday and want to make sure that you have an erotic trip there, you should inform yourself about the laws of the respective country. In France, for example, sections 222 and 232 of the Penal Code punish indecent exposure with a prison sentence and a fine of 15,000 euros. Therefore, it is important to do proper research before adventuring in public.

What’s the best way to do that?

When you think of sex on the train, many possibilities come to mind: making love in the train toilet, in the sleeping car or simply on the seat in the carriage. But you should never forget: You are not alone. One of the safer places to have sex on the train is, of course, the toilet. If you decide to enter the lavatory to have sex on the train, you have to know that it will at least be an intimate place where you won’t have much trouble letting your imagination run wild for erotic travel.

Sex on the train: Erotic travel by train

Of course, the most comfortable positions are those in which both are standing. How about the upright doggy position? Ignorant people can read the Kama Sutra and see what other positions they can practice on the train toilet. But: the problem is the lack of hygiene and comfort of the place. You should definitely be clear about that beforehand. Some people just can’t have sex in smelly places, and that’s okay.

Prelude on the public seating area

Of course, the public seating area is the most public place for couples to practice first contact before jumping into action. But there is also a higher risk of being discovered. Of course, the whole sex act can’t take place on the train seat, but some foreplay under a blanket or coat can do the trick. A few caresses, a few rubs under the clothes, a few kisses…. The intensity depends on how many people are in the car and where you are.

The ideal would be to take your own train compartment to have sex on the train. If you have the opportunity to have sex in a sleeper car, you’re lucky. Because it is undoubtedly the best option. No one will disturb the couple and here couples in love can let their imagination run wild. But sex with strangers on the train also has its special charm. A quick fuck and then never see you again.

If you don’t have any problems with the rattling of the train and the rails, you will certainly feel comfortable like this. As a couple, you should try whatever comes to mind spontaneously in the situation. Especially since it’s still a public place, you may have to stop short and find a new spot.

But you can also be unlucky. Like the two Herthahelden soccer fans who were caught on a Deutsche Bahn train. Things don’t always run smoothly in life.

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