How do I make my girlfriend swallow?

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
How do I make my girlfriend swallow?
How do I make my girlfriend swallow?

How to swallow the girlfriend – The tricks

Oral sex is an important aspect of a lively love life. After all, this is considered an extremely intimate and erotic practice. Therefore, many men prefer to ejaculate on the face of the partner. Consequently, for a very special kick, the girlfriend swallows (so-called swallowing). However, many people are not at all comfortable with this idea and do not comply with this wish as a matter of principle. However, there are ways to look at swallowing semen from a different angle in the future.

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Ways to familiarize the partner with the topic

How do I make my girlfriend swallow?The partner should get the most positive access to this particular sexual practice. For this purpose, the couple should have detailed and sensitive conversations. In this case, pressurizing is the completely wrong approach. The girlfriend swallows regularly only when she decides to do so independently. If the female partner swallows the sperm with pleasure and above all with feeling, the male partner also benefits in the end.

This should not restrict the sexual freedom of choice of his girlfriend at any time. This would ultimately lead to a complete rejection of the practice. Lack of understanding is often responsible for heated arguments. For this reason, empathy is required above all. A conversation about the countless positive properties of sperm is also highly recommended. Semen has a variety of positive attributes. These should be discussed openly to quickly overcome any disgust.

Finally, the sperm have some health-promoting properties. Rich in proteins and vitamins, it effectively counteracts skin aging. The formation of wrinkles even slows down due to regular swallowing. Thus, ingestion of the sperm should significantly enhance the positive effects. The girlfriend swallows after all this information certainly much rather than before.

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Use aesthetic porn as visual material

An evening together on the couch has already led in many cases to one or the other erotic hour. The additional playing of an aesthetic porn usually leads to a hot and tingling adventure especially quickly. The genre in question is a matter of taste in this case. However, a joint decision is also advisable here. However, the film may well end with the swallowing of the sperm. An impressive porn is especially helpful in this regard. After that, the partner will certainly consider trying this practice once or twice.


A romantic and especially cozy atmosphere often favors this and ensures relaxation on both sides. Nevertheless, a subtle and casual hint may well lead to the fulfillment of the wish. However, it is always important here not to push the partner. Nothing stands in the way of a tingling and unforgettable love game. If the evening remains positive in the memory of the girlfriend, there will certainly be a repeat soon.

Healthy diet and pineapple juice improve the taste

Sperm has a reputation for tasting salty and somewhat bitter. The girlfriend may not particularly like to swallow for this reason as well. However, the aroma varies from man to man and therefore cannot be universally defined. However, an unpleasant taste can be positively influenced with the help of a new diet plan. Healthy food in the form of fresh fruit is especially advisable. Juices such as mango or pineapple juice also add a certain sweetness to the sperm. The sweet taste of the sperm makes it much easier for the partner to swallow.

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Spices such as peppermint, cinnamon and cardamom also improve the flavor of the sperm. An excessive amount of garlic, meat and salt, on the other hand, should not end up on the plate. These foods are responsible for a sour taste. Care should also be taken with some vegetables. Asparagus, flower and Brussels sprouts have a particularly bad effect and promote a negative taste experience.

Reading tip for you from Eronite 555Read also:
The swallow training – How my girlfriend learned to swallow sperm
Swallow own sperm – That’s why not only slaves should do it
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This also applies to the consumption of alcohol, drugs and nicotine. These substances also have an extremely negative effect on sperm. Before the blowjob, especially drinking beer is absolutely not recommended. The popular drink changes the aroma of semen in an exceedingly unpleasant way. The girlfriend certainly does not like to swallow after that.

The girlfriend swallows thanks to masturbation

Furthermore, regular masturbation significantly improves the ejaculate. Due to prolonged abstinence, the aroma of the semen becomes increasingly intense. Therefore, masturbation is extremely healthy and has a positive influence on oral sex.

Exercise and the consumption of an adequate amount of drinking water is also of particular importance. Physical activity ultimately makes a significant contribution to sperm improvement.

Patience and acceptance are extremely important in sexuality

However, if all efforts are in vain and the girlfriend does not swallow out of conviction, this should be accepted in any case. Often, it is not only the taste that bothers you, but also the consistency of the sperm. To change them, unfortunately, there are no tips and tricks. Ultimately, for a beautiful and fulfilling sexuality, both partners must agree with the different practices.

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