Extreme Dating: Beyond Taboos

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
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A hamburger tries fetish dating with a lady

Before I met you, I was extremely shy when dealing with women and also quite uptight. I could not do anything with fetish porn, terms like fetish dating and extreme dating for fetish contacts I had never heard until recently. My ex-girlfriend always complained that I was so conventional and uncreative in bed.

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“I vowed to prove to her that I could be completely different!”

Field report by Tim D. (38) from Hamburg:

After she left me last month, I vowed to prove to her that I could be completely different! All I had to do was to find a woman who has the necessary knowledge and skills for really sick fetish sex. A real fetish whore just!

Extreme Dating: Beyond all fetish taboos - Fetishdating

Extreme dating almost as blatant as eronite fetish porn

“When you opened the door for me, you hadn’t showered in days”.

That’s why I decided to register on this fetish dating portal for free. It should be teeming with fetish horny women, said the talent scout Lord Mars to me. After a brief hesitation, I followed his advice and signed up. Fortunately I quickly found
your profile, dear SniffingGirl
. You just caught my eye right away. You came straight to the point and told me to please visit you at your home in Bitterfeld (Saxony-Anhalt) as soon as possible. Then you would enlighten me about what Extreme Dating means to you.

Make perverted dates here!

When you then opened the door to me on the evening of the appointment, you have not showered for days and also not washed your pussy for days. You unfortunately did not have your period yet, but since you wanted to serve me a little appetizer to welcome me, you had put a tampon in your vagina, so that it could soak up with your cunt juice.

“Your pussy smelled deliciously of sweat, piss and cunt juice”

Between the legs and ass cheeks you were deliciously sweaty. Obviously you couldn’t wait to be licked and licked out. Your cunt is never washed, but always licked. But the last time was already a few days ago, so your pussy wonderfully after
sweat, piss and cunt juice
smelled. You were also extremely sweaty under your arms and because you hadn’t pooped yet, you had to fart constantly. But even you didn’t notice how horny you stunk out of your asshole, because you were still a bit snuffy and your nose was clogged with thick, slimy boogers. You desperately needed to have the snot scraped out of your nose and licked.

Extreme Dating: Beyond all fetish taboos - Fetishdating“Several times you farted directly into my mouth before letting me stick my tongue into your foul smelling asshole”

As befits a cheap fuck, you wore only a gammy bra and ouvert panties with access to both holes. You turned around, bent over and showed me your horny asshole. When you then also farted in my face, my cock immediately became rock hard. I pinched your ass cheeks and kneaded them hard. Then I stuck my tongue in your rear exit and licked your asshole clean. That was really a horny Extreme Dating, which I could catch there! Greedily I slurped on and on while you farted unrestrained in my mouth. When I was done with that, you turned around. Me briskly took off my shoes and pants and sniffed my delicious stinky dick. Man, that was a horny fetish date!

“You pulled your tampon out of your stinky cunt hole and stuck it in my mouth”

I grabbed you again by your flabby ass cheeks and inhaled your sour sweaty smell, also your penetrating pussy scent rose to my nose. I licked and fingered you like a madman. Finally, you reached between your legs, pulled your tampon out of your stinking cunt hole and shoved it in my mouth. Hmmm, was that juicy! And while I
sucked on your used tampon
you squatted down and took my cock in your mouth….

Make perverted dates here!

“Sure, I know I have sick fantasies and Extreme Dating is certainly only for people who are also into fetish dating. But I can promise one thing: if you want to get really dirty and extremely kinky, fetish dating is definitely worth the experience. Try it once, as I did, and you’re sure to become a “repeat offender.””

Tim is just one of many who have found the luck to live out all perversities at Extreme Dating. Fetish contacts on the Internet are certainly the best way to meet like-minded people with such perverse fantasies. In life “out there” it is much more difficult to confront potential sex partners with your unusual preferences face to face.

Extreme dating in fetish scene

What is special about Extreme Dating in the fetish area?

What may sound repulsive to some at first is the greatest sexual satisfaction to others. With fetishes, you have to be completely physically involved with the person across from you. Sometimes that’s not so easy. All fears of rejection or insecurities are allowed to fall away in Extreme Dating. If you think about your own appearance and many other little things beforehand, you now have a lot less to worry about. After all, this date is not at all about impressing the other person with the famous first impression.

Make perverted dates here!

One can even speak of the opposite. The call is not to dress up nicely, shave, or even wash. Best not to even wear clean clothes, if you wear clothes at all. No wonder the Hamburg Tim could finally let himself go. He has been of a shy and insecure nature, as he describes himself. Having to hear reproaches from your ex-girlfriend about how uncreative you are is not a booster for your self-confidence either.

Tim has chosen the extreme

From one moment to the next, Tim’s life, if not his whole world, changed. Let yourself go, leave all conventions behind and engage only in lovemaking. This is exactly what Tim wanted to achieve. After a short research he registers at Fetischkontakte. He goes the extreme route and writes to SniffingGirl for a fetish date.

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Tim does not have to wait long for this. He is invited by her directly to her home and pointless small talk is also completely dispensed with here. Tim’s experiences in bed can no longer be described as boring. He didn’t just have oral sex on his first Extreme Dating with SniffingGirl. He can now add anilingus, rimming, golden shower and caviar games to his experiences. Best of all, although he just wanted to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he also has a lot to offer in bed, he also found out that Extreme Dating suits his needs exactly. Unfortunately, Tim could not experience a crunch party. However, this will probably be added to his field reports in the future.

How deep can extreme dating relationships go?

There are pheromones in the sweat. These are known to regulate sex behavior, contacts and also sympathy. Tim and SniffingGirl are going about it just right. Not to shower, sweaty to engage directly with each other. Eternal talk that leads nowhere is skipped and compatibility can be checked immediately.

Make perverted dates here!

So, if the sweat and smells are right, Extreme Dating will lead you to your desired destination much faster. If it should not fit, then one notices this also immediately. You can always start looking for a new fetish contact. Either way, you can have horny dates that match your desires.

What are fetish contacts?

Online, you can quickly find like-minded people in every field and on every topic. Love, sex and preferences are no exception here either. Like-minded people in the fetish scene are into dominating or being dominated. They are into leather, lacquer, pain, smells and much more. As the website Fetischkontakte claims about itself, there is nothing that does not exist. Everyone can find and get what they want. Tim’s example shows just that. He wanted to go from one extreme to the other, and that’s what he got.

Fetish contacts offer many advantages

There are numerous advantages. On the one hand, there are numerous like-minded people who exactly match your sexual preferences and want to fulfill them. On the other hand, one is not ostracized, laughed at or condemned for one’s desire. It also doesn’t need to be worked around or explained at length. In this field are people who know exactly what they are about and what they are getting into.

Extreme Dating is, as the name suggests, an extreme fantasy. Therefore, according to Tim, it is suitable for people who are extremely kinky and really into it. In reality, it is hard to stumble upon the person with the same fetish by chance among many people. Therefore, especially for fetishists, the website Fetischkontakte offers itself to simply quickly find like-minded or at least curious people who want to try it out. Possibly so the one or the other will also change his boring antecedents to sex and give free rein to his sexual desire.

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