Cunnilingus: What men think when licking

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Lick or be licked

Many a woman will wonder what men think when they lick. One look at his facial expression may rephrase the question. Whether men think at all when licking depends to a not inconsiderable extent on the tongue skills of their partner. So what are men thinking about who are not in seventh erotic heaven during this process?

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In order to find out what men think when they lick, one important question must be clarified in advance. Is the man the active licker or the passive licker? Or about the loser who unfortunately doesn’t get a chance? The way men think about licking varies depending on the situation.

What men think when actively licking

Many men put themselves under pressure to succeed during sex. They want to be the best and take their partner to unprecedented heights of pleasure. Men don’t just develop this sporting spirit during sex, but they also like to go the extra mile during lovemaking.

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That’s why the thoughts during lovemaking are more of a practical nature. While the man licks diligently, he listens with both ears for her every reaction and pays attention to every movement of her body. Licking tactics are now mentally played through in order to achieve the desired result. There is a kind of master plan for the female orgasm, coupled with the experience of past love games. Yet it is precisely the memories that drive the man to peak performance.

Cunnilingus: What men think when licking
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After all, every athlete wants to keep breaking and improving their own record. Experienced eaters in particular like to have the Tetris music playing in the back of their heads alongside the schedule, while their own tongue is constantly being reset. For some other men, however, the theme tune from Mission Impossible might also be playing in their heads.

What men think about passive licking

As already described above: Men probably think very little in this situation, perhaps not at all. Depending on the partner’s oral skills, the man is completely preoccupied with bathing in beautiful feelings. There is no time for highly scientific mind games or the Pythagorean theorem.
Drooling happily to himself, the man leans his head back and indulges in beautiful feelings. Of course, even in this situation there are men who are thinking about the next purchase or the upcoming visit to the garage, but you can count them on one hand.

Thoughts are free

Men who are being orally pleasured are involved with all six senses. The world of thoughts also revolves one hundred percent around sex. Admittedly, men are more selfish than women, so their thoughts revolve around their own satisfaction. The feeling of your partner’s tongue and lips is enjoyed and sometimes compared with the skills of former partners.

Some men will plan the rest of the sex at this point. Positions that they try out with their partner and words that they would like to hear from her mouth. These ideas are not without danger for some men, as it increases the risk of unwanted premature coming. Those who bravely persevere will plan the further course of the act of love down to the smallest detail. Whether this plan is ultimately put into practice is basically irrelevant. The main thing is that it’s cool.

Deliciously tasty and no nagging

What men think when licking is exclusively of a beautiful nature. Negative thoughts don’t stand a chance at this moment. Everything is harmonious and cool. The man practically melts away in a state of sexual bliss.

Worries, problems and other dark thoughts are washed away. Except of course for the thoughts of dark S&M games, but that’s another topic. In this euphoric state, the man is completely at peace with himself and the world. All everyday problems and office stress no longer exist. In this state, all the men of the world could agree on and enforce global peace.

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The only problem here is that this beautiful state is not permanent. Even the hottest sex comes to an end and even the most willing slut wants her tongue back at some point. The trick here is regularity. Permanently licked men are simply more relaxed than others and make calmer decisions.

Maybe a lot of political decisions should be made by men who think while they lick. Especially for passives. We are certainly not creating a paradise in this way, but we are certainly creating a better and, above all, cooler world.

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