Amsterdam: Sex in the most famous red light district in the world

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Amsterdam: Sex in the red light district De Wallen

In some cases, red light districts of exciting cities become a sight in their own right. What the Reeperbahn is to Hamburg, the De Wallen neighborhood is to Amsterdam. If you’re interested in sex in Amsterdam, you can’t miss this vital, colorful world of amusement.

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Besides the dim windows and club entrances to the inviting strip clubs, it is the visitors themselves who create their own atmosphere. Party-loving men roam De Wallen in groups not only on weekends. A weekend should be enough to get to know De Wallen and its highlights.

De Wallen and Rosse Buurt

Amsterdam: Sex in the most famous red light district in the worldSex and erotic amusement find their home in Amsterdam in a larger area near a canal. Thereby De Wallen is the most famous part of the whole red light area Rosse Buurt. The two major streets near the station are interconnected by a number of smaller alleys. An appropriate environment for the many shop windows where attractive ladies try to attract customers. Thereby they move with sex in the red light district in the Netherlands in a very relaxed environment.

Holland legalized prostitution in 2000. The activity has arrived in society because the ladies pay taxes and live a life freed from illegality and the muckraking. Problems sometimes arise today with incidents provoked by the large number of male tourists. Many of them just want to see and look. The ladies are not thrilled when someone just wants to look, but does not use any service.

Sex in Amsterdam – the main points

Contacting the window ladies is straightforward. Usually a smile is enough and the favorite comes to the door. Now she negotiates binding and sensual conditions for an erotic tryst. If an agreement is reached, Lady draws the curtains, the gentleman hands over the money and they go into the back room together.

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Important to know: Many services are not included in the mostly called basic amount of 50 EUR for 15 minutes of sex. Special requests such as position change or bra removal cost extra.

Sex in the red light district of Amsterdam is handled in a very professional and business-like manner. It is no different in other amusement districts. Every man(n) should keep in mind that here in Amsterdam fixed prices are agreed. Against this background, the window ladies do not take too much time for the single act, which takes about 6 minutes on average. Atmospherically, this kind of erotic service cannot be compared with the one in a brothel.

More sex in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam: Sex in the most famous red light district in the worldThe window district De Wallen is only a part of the offer of erotic services in the Dutch city. In the now legendary shop windows takes place about 20% of erotic performance.

Those who don’t like the fast “Fensterln” so much and have higher demands might feel comfortable in the sauna club LV in the east of the city. Up to 20 ladies wait here in a somewhat more exclusive setting for their demanding male guests, including some dominas. Therefore, the club is an excellent address for men who have more specific wishes.

It is initially just to get an appetite and learn more about the erotic world in Amsterdam? Then a visit to the Red Light Secrets museum is worthwhile. In the former rooms of a brothel, the seeker learns interesting details about the oldest trade in the world and how it developed in Amsterdam.

A separate attraction is the live sex show Casa Rosso. The elephant logo shows the way. The hot show with sex acrobatics, S&M demonstrations and more really makes you want to have sex in the red light district of Amsterdam.

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Amsterdam – a European sex capital?

Although in Amsterdam erotic services are concentrated in two regional areas with De Wallen around the station district and an industrial belt, eroticism and sex have their firm raison d’être in the city. Sex in the red light district is part of it and is more than tolerated. This makes the Dutch capital very popular with male tourists from all over the world. Sex in this city seems relaxed, although like elsewhere it is a lucrative business.

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The variety of the offer with show, clubs and the window ladies is also attractive. You can see and experience a lot. Sex in the red light district in Amsterdam is a fast, intense, demanding and/or very varied affair, depending on personal preferences. If you are planning an erotic European trip with manifold erotic impulses, you may consider Amsterdam as a destination and enjoy the great offer.

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