Alarming: syphilis figures higher than ever

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

They are rising and rising: the syphilis figures

STDs simply cannot be killed off. Unfortunately. Syphilis figures in particular have shot up to alarming levels in recent years. While there were 800 cases at the turn of the millennium, the number has now risen to 8000.

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Many people see the Internet as the reason for this rapid increase. Flirt sites and dating agencies where you can arrange spontaneous sex meetings are springing up like mushrooms.

She’s got the Jack

Alarming: syphilis figures higher than ever
Alarming: syphilis figures higher than ever

AC/DC wrote this song back then to take revenge on a groupie who gave the singer the clap. Like most sexually transmitted diseases, they make themselves felt through a very annoying itching in the intimate area. Later, it can even lead to damage to important organs and the nervous system. So it’s nothing to take lightly.

The song was written in the seventies of the last century. Apart from regular visits to the doctor, there are now also other ways of getting tested regularly. Home tests and self-collection kits are now commonplace. The Australian rock legend would probably have needed a whole tour bus full of them.

Online fuck meetings as the reason for the high syphilis figures?

Opportunity not only makes thieves, but also sexually transmitted diseases. Finding potential sexual partners is easier than ever these days. The greater the choice, the less time there is to take a close look at each future bedmate in advance. This can sometimes lead to a spontaneous quickie without really knowing the other person.

Admittedly, all of this has its appeal. It’s exciting, full of thrills and erotic to boot. No risk, no fun. But of course there is a downside to all this. This is because casual contact with many different partners makes it much easier for viruses and sexually transmitted diseases than it used to be.

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The current syphilis figures speak for themselves. But there is not just one single sexually transmitted disease. Apart from syphilis. There is hepatitis B, for example, which unfortunately has almost double the number of cases. Fortunately, at least the number of new HIV infections has remained constant.

The order of the day: self-control

Nobody wants to be infected with anything. Not even with a cold. Every single one of us is needed to get the burgeoning syphilis figures under control. The test kits for home use have already been mentioned above. However, it is of course best to prevent an infection from occurring in the first place. If you don’t want to do without regularly changing partners, you need to protect yourself accordingly during intercourse.

This also includes an in-depth consideration of all potential bed partners. Do they appear in the chat as if they also have permanently different sex partners? Special care is then required. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to something as sensitive as a sexually transmitted disease. It is also a good feeling to have contributed to the decline in syphilis numbers.

To put it in a nutshell once again, let’s say it in the words of comedian Bülent Ceylan: Uffbasse!

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