Kissing in a brothel – facts about kissing in a brothel

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Kissing in the puff- How it is possible

Hardly any other gesture expresses as much tenderness as a kiss. If the desire for this intimate exchange arises during a visit to the brothel, there are a few things you should bear in mind. The very fact that the question is being asked about kissing in a brothel might seem surprising at first glance. However, it is a question that must be addressed first and foremost, and one that clients in brothels can certainly deal with nowadays.

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The reason for this is that the widespread assumption that prostitutes generally do not exchange kisses is outdated. Although this is still often the case, it is no longer a strict principle in the red-light district.

4 facts and rules for a great experience as a suitor

Here you can find out which rules need to be observed when it comes to kissing in a brothel

Fact 1: Consensuality comes first when kissing in a brothel

Before you start kissing in a brothel, it is crucial that you are in agreement with the service provider. Communication about personal boundaries and preferences creates a respectful basis and ensures that both sides feel comfortable. It can also be simple communication. The most sensible thing to do is to ask the ladies in the brothel about their rules. In addition to the personal boundaries of the ladies, the house rules of the respective establishment also play a role.

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The combination of all these specifications then shows which forms of sex games and intimacy are possible. In the end, many ladies also decide according to sympathy and mood. So if you are looking for a little more closeness and tenderness, you should present yourself accordingly and not just demand services. It is important that both sides ensure clarity.

Fact 2: Hygiene is essential

Hygiene is a key aspect of kissing in a brothel and should not be underestimated in the red-light district either. It is always better to make sure that you are clean and fresh. The aim is to ensure a pleasant experience for both sides and to create a kind of feel-good atmosphere. And bear in mind that hygiene is generally very important throughout life.

Kissing in a brothel - facts about kissing in a brothel
Kissing in a brothel – facts about kissing in a brothel

As a suitor, you should not underestimate the fact that certain smells or scents can become penetrating or even unpleasant. It is therefore advisable to use a fresh mouthwash or, even better, to brush your teeth before the visit. Smokers are also welcome to give up their cigarettes just before visiting a brothel. Especially if you’re aiming for kissing in a brothel.

Fact 3: Naturalness is the key to kissing in a brothel

Kisses generally arise from authentic emotions and are something natural. When the moment is right, hardly anyone can resist a hot kiss. But how does kissing come about in a brothel, where there is usually less tenderness? The easiest way for the suitor to get a kiss is to approach the lady and ask for it specifically.

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Here, too, it is important for the guest to know and accept the rules and customs of the brothel in question. So if the limit is that kissing in a brothel is out of the question for one lady or another, this is to be respected. Sexual services and kissing in a brothel cannot be forced at any time and cannot take place against the will of the ladies. Anyone who violates this principle can expect sufficient consequences.

Fact 4: Kissing can be an additional service

In some establishments, kissing in a brothel is considered a separate service. This is then associated with additional costs and these in turn can vary depending on the offer. Some women simply reserve kissing for their steady relationship partners. But if you are lucky, as a suitor you can enjoy kisses on the body or cheek at no extra cost.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the specific wishes should always be discussed openly in advance. Clarifying the boundaries is essential. For example, if a prostitute decides not to offer kisses for personal reasons, this must be respected. The respect of the client and the recognition of the individual decisions of the providers help you to have a horny experience in one way or another.

A kiss in a brothel demands respect from all sides

There are many reasons why some ladies do not want to kiss their clients. They may fear that an emotional bond could develop. It’s also not out of the question that the client’s feelings are revealed when kissing in a brothel. Sometimes it just doesn’t fit from a human point of view.

Regardless of the reason why some ladies do not offer kissing in brothels, it is always important to treat each other with respect. Either you agree on a small extra payment or you accept the limits of the workers in the brothel. Generally speaking, kissing remains something so intimate that it should not be rushed, nor should it be forced.

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