My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes


My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates

Have you ever wondered whether love and romantic encounters can really be found on a dating app? Me too. When I signed up for the dating app Tinder a few months ago, I was skeptical. Online dating was new territory for me and I wondered if I would even be successful at online dating.

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However, after I decided to try a little experiment, I began my self-experiment: dating exclusively via Tinder for 100 days. It has been an exciting but also challenging journey that has influenced my life in many ways.

In the first few days on Tinder, I had my doubts. Why should I use a dating app when I could meet someone the traditional way? But my curiosity drove me on and I wanted to find out whether online dating could actually work. My first impressions of Tinder were exciting: countless dating profiles, interesting people and the ability to express my interest with just one swipe.

Das ERONITE Dating

It was a step into a new world of online dating that fascinated and challenged me at the same time. The variety of encounters and the hope of finding someone special made me forget my nervousness on the first few dates.

The skeptical attitude towards dating apps

When I first heard about dating apps like Tinder, I was skeptical. I had my doubts as to whether an app was really capable of helping me find a partner. I thought that real encounters and romantic connections could only happen in offline life. So why would I need Tinder?

Why I thought I didn’t need Tinder

My skepticism towards dating apps came mainly from my belief that online dating is superficial and impersonal. I believed that it was impossible to really get to know someone through a few photos and a short description. I was of the opinion that true connections can only be made when you meet in person and spend time together.

My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates
My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates

I also had concerns about the authenticity of dating profiles. I wondered if the people presenting themselves on Tinder were really honest about their intentions, interests and opinions. Weren’t there many fakes and scammers who were only on the platform to take advantage of others?

First impressions of Tinder and the step into the world of online dating

Despite my doubts and skepticism, I decided to give Tinder a chance. I figured I should at least check my preconceptions and gather my own experiences before making a final judgment.

When I opened the app for the first time, I was surprised by the sheer number of potential matches. It seemed like there were countless singles around me who were also looking for love and relationships. However, I was also overwhelmed by the superficial nature of swiping left and right. It felt kind of impersonal, but I dared to do a few matches anyway.

Das ERONITE Dating

After the first few days on Tinder, I began to realize that it was more than just a platform for flirting. There were actually people with a genuine interest in getting to know someone and making a connection. Online dating also offered the opportunity to meet people outside my usual social circle, which was an exciting addition to my dating pool.

The first step on Tinder: Profile creation and first matches

Of course, to start my Tinder experience, I had to create my profile first. I carefully chose which photos I wanted to upload and decided on a short but interesting bio. It was important for me to make a good first impression and express my personality on my profile.

After I had completed my profile, I was excited about my first matches. I opened the app and started looking for potential partners. It was exciting to see how other users reacted to my profile and whether there would be any initial matches.

And it wasn’t long before I had my first matches. Some of them were very promising and I was excited to see where it would lead. It was interesting to get to know different people and see if we had common interests or preferences.

The first matches on Tinder were exciting and brought with them a certain excitement. I was excited to get to know the people behind the profiles and find out whether the chemistry would be right in real life. It was an exciting start to my Tinder adventure and I was looking forward to more exciting dates.

Quirky, amusing and instructive encounters

In my time on Tinder, I have experienced a wide variety of encounters and dates. There was everything from bizarre and amusing experiences to instructive encounters. The variety of Tinder dates has always surprised me and made me laugh.

The variety of Tinder dates: from boredom to romance

The range of Tinder dates is remarkable. Sometimes the dates were just boring and there was no spark. But there were also romantic dates that resulted in a special connection. Each date had its own dynamic and showed me that the possibilities on Tinder are diverse.

Das ERONITE Dating

Some of my most amusing experiences on Tinder were the quirky dates. For example, I remember a date where we got lost in a crazy escape room and ultimately had to be rescued by the staff. Such experiences add spice to dating life and make for unforgettable moments.

The special story with Jason: A Tinder date with consequences

One of my particularly special stories on Tinder was my date with Jason. What began as an ordinary Tinder date turned into something extraordinary. We had an incredibly deep connection and it felt like we had known each other for years.

After our first date, we spent more and more time together and our feelings for each other grew stronger and stronger. In the end, we even decided to enter into a relationship with each other. Jason has become an important part of my life and shows that a simple Tinder date can turn into something very special.

The reality of dating and quick online flirting

In the world of online dating, the focus is on the reality of finding a partner and quick online flirting. While dating apps like Tinder offer a wealth of opportunities, it’s important to be aware that there are real people behind the virtual relationships. Finding something real in a world full of virtual relationships can be challenging and requires patience and perseverance.

My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates
My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates

In my experiences with different types of men on Tinder, I’ve gotten to know a wide range of personalities. From charming conversation partners to unpleasant encounters, everything was there. The variety of experiences has helped me to get to know my own likes and dislikes better and to become aware of what I am really looking for in a relationship.

Tinder dates: a question of numbers?

You may have wondered whether Tinder is primarily about the number of dates or whether it is more important to have quality dates. From my personal experience, I can say that there is no clear-cut “right” or “wrong”. The number of dates alone does not necessarily say anything about the success or quality of the encounters.

It’s tempting to have lots of dates and constantly make new contacts. After all, Tinder offers an endless list of potential matches. But in the end, it’s not just the quantity that counts, but above all the quality of the dates.

Das ERONITE Dating

It’s about getting to know someone who really suits you and with whom you feel a connection. Sometimes it can take several dates to find this connection. So don’t focus exclusively on the number of dates, but pay attention to whether you really feel comfortable on the dates and whether there is common ground.

You also gain valuable experience with every new encounter. You get to know different people and find out what you are looking for in a partnership and what you are not. These insights can help you to better understand your own needs and refine your search for a suitable partner.

It is important that you do not lose sight of your own ideas and wishes. Even if it can be tempting to have as many dates as possible, make sure that you only accept the contacts you are really interested in. Because ultimately, it’s about finding someone with whom you can build a fulfilling and long-term relationship.

Tinder’s effect on self-confidence and ego

In this section, I will discuss how Tinder can affect self-esteem and have an impact on the ego. It’s well known that swiping and matching on Tinder can often lead to an ego boost, boosting self-confidence and making you feel wanted. Receiving matches and confirmation from other users can boost the ego and increase the feeling of attractiveness and value.

My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates
My self-experiment: 100 days of Tinder dates

Escalating contacts on Tinder can also have a positive effect on the ego. If you have a successful match and the conversation with the person escalates, the feeling of self-confidence and the confirmation of your own charm and wit increases. The positive feedback from other users can further boost self-confidence and ego.

However, the sobering reality often only becomes clear after the matches. Not every match leads to an actual meeting or a long-term relationship. It often remains a superficial conversation or does not even lead to a personal meeting. This can lead to frustration and a decrease in self-confidence. It’s important to understand that the reality of matches on Tinder doesn’t always match expectations and that you shouldn’t take every match personally.

In order to maintain a healthy self-confidence on Tinder, it is important not to define yourself exclusively through matches and confirmation from other users. A healthy attitude towards Tinder means not taking the matches and conversations too seriously and always keeping in mind that it is a virtual dating tool. Effects on self-confidence and ego should not be made solely dependent on successes or failures on Tinder.

Confronting the hard truth: revelations and disillusionment

During my 100 days on Tinder, I was confronted with some hard truths and revelations that disillusioned me and changed my perspective on Tinder and online dating as a whole. It was a shocking experience that opened my eyes and made me think.

Das ERONITE Dating

I had hoped to meet people on Tinder who were honest, sincere and interested in serious relationships. But time and again I came across profiles that were fake or manipulative. The illusion of perfect dating partners was quickly shattered when I realized that many people on Tinder aren’t looking for what they say they are.

The revelations on Tinder were particularly disillusioning. It was disappointing to see how many people on the app are faking interest just to entertain themselves or boost their ego. The conversations became superficial and meaningless, and the hope of a real connection dwindled.

The disillusionment came not only from the revelations, but also from the experiences I had with certain people. I’ve been a victim of ghosting, been stood up from dates and had to realize that some people on Tinder are just looking for superficial adventures without serious intentions.

Confronting the hard truth and experiencing disillusionment on Tinder was an important part of my dating experience. They taught me that not everything is as it seems and that it’s important to acknowledge the reality of Tinder and online dating. Despite the disappointments, I have learned from these experiences and have grown as a result.

The lessons and personal growth from 100 days of dating

In the 100 days I spent exclusively on Tinder dates, I learned many lessons and experienced personal growth. The experiences I had during this time shaped me in many ways and broadened my understanding of online dating.

I’ve learned that dating apps like Tinder aren’t just for finding the perfect partner. Rather, they are a platform for meeting new people, discovering different personalities and getting to know yourself better. Every date, whether successful or not, has given me new insights and experiences.

Das ERONITE Dating

During these 100 days, I have learned that online dating is a mirror for reality. There are highs and lows, romance and disappointments. But it was precisely this variety of experiences that promoted my personal growth. I have learned to recognize my own needs better and to communicate more clearly what I am looking for in a relationship.

An important aspect of personal growth was also dealing with rejection and disappointment. Not every date was successful or led to a long-term relationship. But it was precisely in these moments of rejection that I learned not to question myself and not to make my value dependent on external validation.

Another important aspect was broadening my horizons. Through the many encounters and conversations, I got to know new people, views and lifestyles. This has helped to broaden my own experience and make me more open to other perspectives.

Overall, I can say that the 100 days of Tinder dates were a time of personal growth and experience. I have learned that online dating is more than just looking for love. It’s about getting to know other people, broadening your own horizons and developing a better understanding of yourself.

Tinder tips: What I can recommend to other singles after 100 days

After 100 days of intensive experience with Tinder, I have some valuable tips and advice for singles who want to use this dating platform. Here are my recommendations for increasing your dating effectiveness, creating an appealing dating profile and avoiding risks in online dating.

Effectiveness in finding a partner on a dating application

  1. Be open: Don’t try to limit your date in advance. Let yourself be surprised and give different people a chance.
  2. Set clear intentions: If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, be honest and communicate that from the start. Avoid misunderstandings.
  3. Use the filter functions: Tinder offers many filter options to refine your search. Use these functions to search specifically for your preferences.

Designing an appealing dating profile

  • Authenticity is the key: be yourself and show your best side, but don’t present a false image of yourself.
  • Choose meaningful photos: Use high-quality images that show you clearly and reflect your true nature.
  • Describe your interests: Share your personal interests and hobbies to discover commonalities with potential partners.

Online dating risks and how to avoid them

  1. Protect your privacy: Do not share sensitive information immediately and check the authenticity of your match’s profile before meeting.
  2. Meet in public places: Arrange to meet in a public place for the first date to ensure your safety.
  3. Trust your instincts: Trust your gut feeling. If someone seems strange or unpleasant to you, break off contact.

With these tips, I hope to offer you valuable support to increase your success rate on Tinder and protect you from potential risks. Have fun with your dating adventures!


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