Kissing prostitutes – that’s why it’s not a good idea

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Kissing a prostitute has certain risks

You have long been curious about what happens in the brothel. In movies and TV series, the life of “prostitutes” is sometimes portrayed in a very glamorous way. But what is the reality? One thing that many people wonder is: Is kissing a prostitute a good idea? The answer is “no.” Find out why in this article. Read on and you will see why “kissing prostitutes” is not recommended.

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Kissing in brothel

It is a common misconception that kissing in a brothel is an accepted practice. In reality, however, it’s not as common as you might think. Many prostitutes prefer to avoid kissing, and for good reasons. Certainly there are some that offer this service, but it’s important to understand why many don’t and why maybe you shouldn’t either.

Kissing prostitutes - that's why it's not a good idea
Kissing prostitutes – that’s why it’s not a good idea

There are several reasons why prostitutes refuse to kiss. First of all, prostitution is a business. A business based on providing sexual services, not romance or intimacy often associated with kissing. For many prostitutes, kissing is too intimate and personal to share with clients.

Health risks of kissing prostitutes

Another reason why kissing prostitutes is not a good idea is the potential health risks. Kissing can transmit several types of pathogens, including herpes and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

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While condoms are often used as protection against STIs, they do not protect against all types of infections that can be transmitted through bodily fluids such as saliva. Therefore, there is always a certain risk when you decide to kiss a prostitute.

Emotional risks of kissing prostitutes

In addition to the physical risks, there are also emotional risks associated with kissing prostitutes. Kissing can cause you to form emotional bonds with a person with whom you should have a strictly business relationship. This could lead to complications, especially if you have a relationship outside of the brothel.

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Therefore, kissing prostitutes is generally not a good idea. It’s always best to stick to professional boundaries to protect both your physical and emotional health.

So, to sum up, kissing prostitutes is not a good idea for several reasons. From the health risks involved to the emotional risks, kissing in a brothel offers more disadvantages than advantages. Out of respect for yourself and the prostitutes, it is best to avoid this type of intimacy.

Certainly there are personal preferences and exceptions, but the risks outweigh the benefits in most cases. So, next time you visit a brothel, remember that kissing the prostitutes is not a good idea.

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