You will never meet these erotic models on the street

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Virtual Revolution: Artificially Generated Erotic Models

Amidst the digital landscape of our time, the world is undergoing an AI revolution that is intervening in numerous areas of daily life. From elite universities where it writes exams to art galleries where it creates independent works of art, AI is making impressive strides. A particularly startling development in this area is the creation of images, especially photographs, that depict people who do not actually exist. These AI-generated models, specifically erotic models, are a phenomenon that generates both admiration and controversy.

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AI in the spotlight: creating realistic erotic models

Recently, a stunning photo of three blonde women was shared on Twitter that looked so realistic that they could easily be mistaken for real people. However, it quickly became clear that these women are just products of an artificial intelligence – they are AI-generated erotic models. Technologies like these are able to create human images in impressive detail, from hair and eye color to body proportions.

Deutsche Erotikstars

Companies like AI incubator Midjourney are using these capabilities to produce a plethora of images, from portraits to party photos to fashion spreads. While many of these AI-generated images appear real at first glance, a closer look often reveals small discrepancies – be it an unnatural finger or an oversized ear.

Digital Distinction: How to Distinguish the Real from the AI-Generated

An interesting point about these AI-generated images is how to distinguish them from real photos. A trend on Twitter, marked by the hashtag “It’s so over,” is bringing this very discussion to the forefront. Some users provide tips on how to distinguish them, such as checking hand positions on pictures. One user commented on a photo showing an AI-generated model holding a cell phone, with the finger position clearly not human.

You will never meet these erotic models on the street
You will never meet these erotic models on the street

Ethics and AI: A double-edged sword

While it is undoubtedly impressive what AI can achieve in image production, these developments raise serious ethical questions. Is it morally acceptable to “design people” in this way? And what about the real people whose biometric data is extracted from photo platforms without their consent and used to train such AI systems?

Deutsche Erotikstars

Oliver Bendel, an information and machine ethicist at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, commented on this topic, noting that as long as the images exist only digitally, no one is directly harmed. The real problem, however, lies in the lack of consent from those whose data is used to create these AI-generated images.

The depths of artificial intelligence: opportunities and risks

The technology of AI-generated images opens many doors, from advertising to the entertainment industry. Just think of the possibilities for filmmakers, designers, or advertisers who might now be able to create any model or scene they want without needing real people or places.

You will never meet these erotic models on the street
You will never meet these erotic models on the street
Economic impact: The elimination of real models

As the ability to generate realistic erotic models grows, modeling jobs could be at risk. Companies may decide to use AI models instead of real humans to save costs and have full control over the appearance and presentation of their models. This could be particularly relevant in the adult industry, where appearance and presentation are often crucial.

Deutsche Erotikstars

Artistic Impressions: A new era of photography

On the other hand, AI-generated images open up new creative horizons for artists. Photographers could experiment with these tools to create surreal or futuristic scenes that would not be possible with real models or traditional photography techniques.

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The line between reality and fantasy may continue to blur in the art world, leading to an exciting and diverse era of photography.

Security concerns: The risk of misuse

While there are many exciting applications for AI-generated erotic models, there are also serious concerns about the potential for misuse. Could such technologies be used to create fake photos or videos of real people in compromising situations?

How might laws and regulations be adapted to prevent such abusive uses without impeding the creative freedoms of legitimate artists and developers?

On the horizon: the future of AI and photography

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and as with most technological advances, there are both exciting opportunities and serious challenges. Erotic models generated by AI are only a small part of the bigger picture of the AI revolution. But they are a clear example of how technology can deeply interfere with our understanding of reality, ethics and art. It remains to be seen how this technology will develop and how we as a society will deal with it.

Source: 20min

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