Cross and queer: Germany becomes more colorful and tolerant

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Cross and queer: Germany becomes more colorful and tolerant
Cross and queer: Germany becomes more colorful and tolerant


The queer society is enlarging

In Germany, the LGBTIQ+ community is experiencing a real awakening. Tolerance is growing and diversity is increasingly accepted. Cross and queer – or LGBTIQ+ – stands for a society that is becoming more colorful and now appreciates its diversity.

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Germany becomes more colorful and tolerant

Germany is becoming more colorful and tolerant – this is a development that has become increasingly evident in recent years. More and more people with different cultural and religious backgrounds are living together in this country and enriching society in many ways. Much has also happened with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity: acceptance of queer people is on the rise, and discrimination is increasingly outlawed. This can be seen not least in the introduction of marriage for all in 2017 and the inclusion of the third gender in the birth register in 2018.

Cross and queer: Germany becomes more colorful and tolerant

These developments are encouraging and show that Germany is well on its way to becoming an open, tolerant and diverse society. However, much remains to be done to fully overcome discrimination and exclusion. Nevertheless, it is worth maintaining one’s optimism. Let’s take a brief look at the past: in the 1950s, people were already ashamed to buy toilet paper, but today the dildo has become a lifestyle object alongside other sex toys.

Positive changes in working life for queer people

One positive change in working life for queer people is the increasing acceptance and tolerance in many companies. More and more employers are recognizing the benefits of diversity and are actively promoting an inclusive work environment. Queer employees can thus be more open about their identity and do not have to fear discrimination or exclusion in the workplace. There are also now dedicated networks and support groups to assist queer employees and help them achieve career goals. All these positive developments show that Germany is becoming more and more colorful and tolerant – also in professional life.

In recent years, Germany has made great strides in legal equality and protection against discrimination. The introduction of marriage for all was an important step towards the recognition of same-sex partnerships. The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) also provides comprehensive protection against discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic origin. Moreover, many companies and organizations have begun to take steps to create a more tolerant work environment and combat discrimination in the workplace.

Challenges and hurdles yet to be overcome for the LBGT+ community.

Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, there are still challenges and hurdles that the LBGT+ community must overcome. Discrimination and prejudice are unfortunately still a problem, whether at work or in everyday life. Even though there are now many legal rights and protections in Germany, it is still difficult for many people to live their sexual orientation openly. Transgender people in particular often face rejection and discrimination.

Within Europe, there are strong differences in terms of equal treatment of queer people. In 2023, the ranking is headed by the small island nation of Malta with 89%, with Belgium and Denmark close behind. For Germany, the current 55% is enough for a place in the upper midfield. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement here. However, experts are optimistic here for two reasons. Firstly, the legal situation in Germany, as in numerous other European countries, has now changed in such a way that even non-binary people do not have to expect any disadvantages or repression. In addition, the younger generation is growing up with a more open mind and therefore with more understanding for being different. For demographic reasons alone, the Germany of the future will therefore be a different, more open country.

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