What about the self-image and the image of others in a relationship?

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
What about the self-image and the image of others in a relationship?
What about the self-image and the image of others in a relationship?


Often you are seen quite differently

Self-image and external image can often be very different in a relationship and it is important to be aware of this. Self-image refers to the perception one has of oneself, while other-image is the perception others have of one. There are many factors that can influence self-image and other people’s perceptions, such as personal experiences, education, cultural norms, and perceptions by others.

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The self-image shapes one’s own behavior

In a relationship, self-image and other-image can have a big impact on the dynamics. Having a negative self-image can make you feel insecure and make it hard to build trust. On the other hand, an overly positive self-image can lead to having unrealistic expectations of oneself and others.What about the self-image and the image of others in a relationship?

The external image can also play an important role. If the external image differs greatly from the self-image, this can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. For example, a person may believe that they are very loving and caring in a relationship, while their partner perceives them as overly controlling and clingy.

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It is important to be open and honest in a relationship about how you perceive yourself and your partner. This is the only way to avoid misunderstandings and promote healthy communication.

Here are some examples of how self-image and other-image can play a role in a relationship:
  • A person may believe that they are always the one solving all the problems in the relationship, while their partner perceives them as dominant and controlling.
  • A person may believe that they are always taking care of their partner and paying attention to their needs, while their partner perceives them as too needy and pushy.
  • A person may believe that they are always fair and balanced in the relationship, while their partner perceives them as vindictive and unforgiving.
  • A person may believe that they are always loving and caring in the relationship, while their partner may see them as overly emotional and clingy.
  • A person may believe that he or she is always independent and self-reliant in the relationship, while the partner perceives him or her as distant and disinterested.

These examples show how different the self-image (self-perception) and the external-image (external-perception) can be in a relationship and how important it is to talk about it openly and honestly. This is the only way to avoid misunderstandings and build a healthy and happy relationship.

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