Book raffle: 3 x “Success formula for love” – signed by hand

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Book raffle: 3 x
Book raffle: 3 x "Success formula for love" - signed by hand


The art of declaring love – tips for singles and couples

Declarations of love are an important part of any relationship. Whether freshly in love or in long-term partnerships – everyone wants to feel loved and valued. The guidebook “Success Formula for Love” by Nicole Kleinhenz is about the art of romantic and erotic declarations of love and how to integrate them into a happy and fulfilling relationship.

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In her book, author Nicole Kleinhenz, a successful entrepreneur and certified coach, shares her experiences and lessons learned from over 20 years of professional experience in the field of love, sex and flirting. Kleinhenz shows how to use heartfelt declarations of love and attention to bring a breath of fresh air into a relationship. In a world dominated by electronic media such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Co., personal and romantic declarations of love quickly win the heart of the recipient.

Practical tips and suggestions

Book raffle: 3 xThe guidebook offers field-tested stories and practical tips that inspire imitation. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific relationship phase and thus offers suitable suggestions for every situation. Eroticism in the form of sensual declarations of love is not neglected either. The author invites readers to leave their own loving notes, creating space for their own creativity.

Coming soon: The interview with interpreter for love Nicole Kleinhenz exclusively here at Eronite!

Former adult performer and actress Dolly Buster, who wrote the book’s foreword, sums it up: “I felt well entertained and had to smile more than once.”


“Success Formula for Love” by Nicole Kleinhenz is an inspiring guidebook that gives every reader suggestions and tips on how to breathe more romance and passion into their relationship. The field-tested stories and suggestions help both singles and couples enrich their relationship and bring a breath of fresh air into their love life.

The guidebook is a valuable companion for anyone who wants to improve in the art of declaring love and is looking for new impulses for a happy and fulfilling relationship.

You want to win the signed book?

Author Nicole Kleinhenz and Eronite raffle off three autographed copies
of the book “Success formula for love”.

Write us a message via our contact form and tell us about your most extraordinary story! The three best stories will win!

The winners will be drawn on April 30, 2023. Participation in the raffle “Success Formula for Love” by Nicole Kleinhenz is only possible with a German, Austrian or Swiss shipping address. If more than three entries are received, the decision will be made by drawing lots. The conditions of participation for competitions and surveys apply. The judges’ decision is final. A cash payment of the prize is not possible. Minimum age for participation: 18 years.

What can actually go wrong when flirting?

In flirting, there are many ways to do things wrong or get negative results. Here are some of the most common things that can go wrong when flirting:

  • Misunderstandings: Misunderstandings can easily occur when flirting. For example, someone might think you are just being friendly when you are actually flirting.
  • Wrong timing: If you approach someone too early or too late, this could hinder or even end the flirting attempt.
  • Being too pushy: Being too pushy can make the person you are approaching feel uncomfortable or even scared.
  • Not paying attention to body language: Body language is an important indicator of whether someone is interested in you or not. If you don’t pay attention to body language, you can miss important signals.
  • Not showing interest: If you don’t seem interested or don’t respond to the other person’s flirting attempts, this can quickly spell the end of flirting.
  • Bad humor: If you try to be funny but can’t pull it off, it can quickly end the flirtation.
  • Talking too much: Talking too much and not letting the other person get a word in edgewise can cause them to lose interest.
  • Being insulting: Speaking insultingly or derogatorily about the other person or other people can quickly end the flirtation.
  • Lack of self-confidence: If you lack self-confidence or feel insecure, this can cause the other person to lose interest.
  • Cultural differences: Cultural differences can also be a problem when flirting, as there are different expectations and norms that may vary depending on the culture.

Is there a formula for success in love?

There is a universal formula for success in love, which Nicole Kleinhenz explains in her book. Although each person is unique and has different needs, expectations and values. What works for one person may work the same for another.

There are some general principles that can be found in many happy relationships. Here are some possible points:

  1. Communication: Open, honest and respectful communication is critical to a successful relationship. It is important that both partners can express their feelings and needs and also listen and respond to each other.
  2. Trust: Trust is one of the most important foundations of a relationship. If both partners trust each other, this can form a stable basis for the relationship.
  3. Respect: Respectful interaction is essential for a healthy relationship. It means accepting and valuing each other’s opinions and needs.
  4. Willingness to compromise: In every relationship there are different needs and opinions, and it is important to be willing to compromise and reach out to each other.
  5. Common interests and values: Partners who share common interests and values often have a more stable and fulfilling relationship.
  6. Acceptance: A successful relationship requires that both partners accept each other as they are and do not have unrealistic expectations of the other.
  7. Growth: Partners who are willing to grow and develop together can build a deeper and more meaningful relationship.

It is important to emphasize that relationships are complex and multi-faceted and there is no guarantee that a relationship will be successful even if these principles are followed. Ultimately, it depends on the individuals and their unique situation.

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