Ecstasy during sex: so is the moment of orgasm

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Ecstasy during sex: so is the moment of orgasm
Ecstasy during sex: so is the moment of orgasm


Moment of orgasm – what happens in the body

The ecstasy of sex sooner or later leads to the moment of orgasm. But what happens in the body during this process and are there differences in the female or male orgasm? What processes take place in the brain? The human body is very complex, but the individual processes interlock like small gears and trigger the processes.

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Male and female orgasm

Similarities and differences

Men and women are able to feel orgasms. Ecstasy during sex usually results in orgasm. There is an increase in blood flow throughout the body, but especially to the sexual organs. At the moment of orgasm, rhythmic muscle contractions occur in the woman’s vagina, and ejaculation occurs in the man.

Ecstasy during sex: so is the moment of orgasmIn the brain, on the other hand, ecstasy during sex causes the release of various hormones. These are primarily endorphins, i.e. the happiness hormones, and oxytocin, the so-called bonding hormone. But what happens through the ecstasy during sex in the man and in the woman?

Ecstasy during sex and the male orgasm

At the moment of orgasm in men, the muscles in the pelvic floor, urethra, prostate, seminal vesicle, vas deferens, the root of the penis contract. This results in rhythmic contractions and the ecstasy of sex. This is how ejaculation starts. In the process, the sperm moves furiously through the urethra and is finally catapulted out through the glans.

With Xisca to orgasm

Young men who are not yet sexually mature get dry orgasms from time to time. You experience the same sensations at the moment of orgasm, but no semen comes out yet.

What is the process of female orgasm?

The ecstasy of sex also makes women orgasm. However, they need more time until the climax. The reason is that it requires a longer and more intense stimulation of the tickler. There are not many nerves inside the vagina. Therefore, penetration by the partner is not enough for very many women to reach orgasm.

Ecstasy during sex: so is the moment of orgasm

However, orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot should be possible. Unfortunately, the existence of this is still scientifically too little researched. Before and during orgasm, a secretion comes out of the vagina. In addition, the labia swell on the outside and inside. The stronger blood circulation is responsible for this. The lubrication increases and so do the chances of fertilization. The ecstasy of sex leading to orgasm also produces strong contractions throughout the genital area.

What processes occur in the brain during sex?

During sexual arousal and the following orgasm, there is a great commotion in the nerve cells. The messenger substances also go “crazy”. The stronger the excitement, the more dopamine the brain releases. Feelings of happiness set in, which feel similar to intoxication. The desire for orgasm grows. Endorphins relax the body during sex and also lead to feelings of happiness. They are specifically helpful for women to experience orgasm. In addition, these hormones are a natural painkiller. They relieve stress and help to savor sexual intercourse even more intensively.

With Xisca to orgasm

Furthermore, the brain releases the bonding hormone oxytocin during sex. It promotes bonding between partners and supports romantic feelings. At the same time, both feel closer to each other and secure. Once the orgasm is over, men in particular are not easily aroused. You need a break so that the penis can swell again.

Some neurotransmitters are to blame. They provide relaxation and increased feeling of well-being, but the excitement remains for the time being. But after a certain time, men are also ready for sex again.

More interesting details about the process of orgasm

The ecstasy during sex and at the moment of orgasm provide the greatest brain activity in the body. This applies to both women and men. Initial activity is evident in the cortex, which is centered in the parietal area. It has been found in studies that the male and female sex organs affect the cortex differently. If women are stimulated in parallel at erogenous regions, this is shown by the increased response and activity of the cortex. This also influences the intensity.

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The cortex, in turn, influences the limbic system, i.e., the amygdala and the hippocampus. Both are important for processing emotions. In addition, the amygdala ensures that blood pressure and heart rate are elevated. As orgasm rises, numerous muscle tensions occur through the cerebellum.

Ecstasy during sex – when the orgasm finally happens

As orgasm approaches climax, the hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens are specifically involved. The latter is located in the pleasure center of the human brain. It interacts primarily with the hormone dopamine. That dopamine is of importance for sexuality has been shown in a past experiment in Parkinson’s patients.

These were treated with a drug containing dopamine. This led to them suddenly making more sexual advances to the nurses. There are some drugs that also activate the dopamine system. This includes cocaine. Many sufferers say that this rush feels similar to an orgasm.

Once the orgasm is over, these brain activities stop immediately.

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