Texas Patti demands porn driving licence

By Mario Meyer
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Texas Patti demands porn license as a fuck permit

Quality control should be mandatory before shooting

What’s the point of a porn driving licence? Most viewers of an erotic film only notice the groaning actors and the sometimes acrobatic positions during the love play. The hard work and behind a high quality strip is something that few people know about.

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Texas Patti demands porn driving licenceThe very popular and at the same time most famous German porn actress, Texas Patti, knows exactly how important a professional partner is during the shoot. “I am always shocked that reliability, punctuality and fitness are not self-evident for many. Both male and female performers fail to meet the simplest standards or underestimate the physical demands,” explains the 35-year-old. But it is not only unpunctuality and last-minute cancellations that cause trouble. “Actually, all future actors would have to get a porn driving licence and learn the basic tools of the trade in a basic course. Then they would be prepared for their first assignment and there would be no unpleasant surprises waiting for the producers and colleagues in front of the camera,” Texas Patti continues.

The basics of a good porn actor include a current health test. Here they are tested for the most common diseases and only if this is negative, a responsible handling of unprotected sex is possible. Another important and often underestimated aspect is the paperwork. And a porn driver’s license would certainly not be wrong.

“Before and after the shoot, actors need a lot of preparation. As absurd as it sounds at first, we also have to pay attention to the bookkeeping and write an invoice for our services. Unfortunately, many actors forget this. In addition, physical fitness is essential to keep up with the long shooting days,” adds Texas Patti. She herself trains regularly with a personal trainer and pays close attention to her diet.


Especially beginners in the industry underestimate the physical effort and do not do any sports. This is why there is a lack of stamina in both endurance and strenuous positions. If spectators would like to get to know Texas Patti and many other erotic stars personally, they will have the opportunity to do so during the 21st VENUS in Berlin from October 12 to 15. There the performers are available for selfies, autographs or personal questions.

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